school barbie.

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Andrew POV

When i realized Madison walked in I already new something was up.

When she got close enough I started talking to her.

"What do you want Madison?" I said sounding annoyed.

"I can't just visit my boyfriend. And who is she's I have never seen her before?"she asked pointing at Danny.

"A friend. Also we are not dating put that threw your head already it was only a two day thing." I said then all of a sudden Danny started laughing. I turned to Danny and she laughing so hard I turned to Brandon and Anthony and they were trying to hide their laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Madison asked Danny.

They guys saw me staring and then Brandon handed me his phone I took it and it was a convo he was having with Danny
about Madison. When I read it I tried so hard to hide my laugh.

"Oh nothing it just your so clingy. You guys only dated for two days.Talk about desperate." Danny said calming her laugh.

"Oh shut it." Madison snapped back.

"Make me." Danny said standing up.

"You don't want to mess with whoever you are. Who are you any ways?"

"Oh me I'm just a little ol girl who can beat your ass anytime." Danny voice started off all soft and defenseless to deep and rough." Now why don't you leave." Danny said pushing Madison making her stumble back. Madison shriek so louded it hurt my ears.

With that Madison turned around and ran out of the class as the class started clapping and giving Danny high fives. The bell rang and we headed to math.

In math we got our tests back and me and Danny score in a 11 grade math level which is really good for 9th graders.

During 2nd period gym we ran into Madison. When she saw Danny an annoyed expression showed on her face which made Danny laugh. The rest of the day went on as normal. Brandon and Anthony making us laugh during classes. Football during break.

Sorry really short chapter.

351 words

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