Kill kaiden

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Drew's POV

She started crying and it hurt me but I didn't hesitate to sit down next to her and hug her until she calmed down. But I was completely speechless I didn't know what to say Kaiden only told me people hated her and that he hurt her, but it was way worse than I would've ever thought. She has been through so much and yet she is always happy.

I knew Kaiden when I was young but I never would've thought he would've done something so.. horrible. The thought of Danny so broken and sad breaks me. But I didn't let my sadness show because I knew if I was her I wouldn't want someone else's pity. The more I thought of what she had to go through and knowing she was sobbing into my chest and soaking my shirt with her tears, which I didn't care about, made me hold her tighter than I already was and if it was possible she held me even tighter than she already was.

She started mumbling words but they were muffled by my shirt. She pulled away enough so her words wont come out muffled but still she held me tight.

"Thank you Drew. For everything you have done for me. You are the first person I have ever told everything about my past to. I have always been afraid of telling people about my last but for some reason I feel fine telling you. And im really happy I told you. " she said smiling at me with tears still rolling down her face.

"No problem I am just happy that you trust me enough to tell me this kind of stuff and just so you know if you ever need someone to talk to you can always come to me."  I said pulling her into another hug.

"Yea I know." She said hugging me back.


Its been a week since Danny told me about kaiden and everytime I saw him i would glare at him. But I never did anything else cause danny doesn't want me to.  We have gotten really close since tha. She actually also told the others about kaiden and Brandon literally had to hold onto Daisy so she wouldnt kill him.

Short but I dont know what wlse. Also I dont know what else to write about so km jist gonna ho to rhe epilogue.

400 words

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