The Wolf

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The walk back down the dark passageway proved that Sirius Black was quite alright indeed. He apologized to Ron for biting his ankle and to the rest of them for being a bit scary, and even checked on (Y/N) because she was still sniffling about her mum. To cheer her up, he shared stories about Catherine and James, which Harry seemed thrilled to hear.

They emerged from the whomping willow in good time. (Y/N) was relieved to see it ignoring them – Professor Lupin must've used a spell – and she helped Ron sit on one of it's tall roots. Black had gone to look at the castle, and though Harry tried to focus on looking at Ron's leg, he kept glancing over his shoulder.

"Go talk to him," said (Y/N).

"No," Harry said. "Don't worry, okay? It's fine, I'll stay." He reached down to help Hermione, but she pushed his hands away.

"You go, we'll stay." She nodded towards (Y/N). When he didn't make to leave, she said, "Go on,"

Harry looked at Ron. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," he promised.

He looked at (Y/N) next. She nodded. "Go,"

So he did. She watched as he approached Black, and the warm smile he gave when Harry stood beside him. She felt something funny in her stomach as she thought about Lucius. He never smiled at her.

"That looks really painful," said Hermione, inspecting Ron's injury.

"So painful..." He pulled his pant leg a bit higher. "They might chop it."

"I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will have it mended in a heartbeat."

"It's too late. It's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off."

Professor Lupin emerged from the willow's entrance, pulling Pettigrew – who was still wailing – along behind him.

"Turn me into a flobberworm! Anything but the dementors!" He latched onto Ron as Lupin dragged him by. "Ron! Haven't I been a good pet? You won't let them give me to the dementors will you, I was your rat!" He turned to Hermione next. "Sweet girl, clever girl! Surely you won't–"

"Get away from her!" said Lupin, hoisting Pettigrew to his feet. He brought him a safe distance away. (Y/N) drew her wand and followed.

Pettigrew settled into the grass, his hands tightly bound. He had no chance of escaping then, not with Lupin's careful eyes watching him from further up the hill. As (Y/N) passed him, he didn't say a word, as if he knew it was pointless to try and beg for her mercy. She would have ignored him, regardless.

She joined Professor Lupin's watch and kept her wand grasped tightly in her hand, just in case. There was a moment – a very comfortable moment where neither one of them said a word. Then she broke the silence.

"I'm sorry about earlier. Not trusting you, and all."

Lupin sighed. "Oh, I can't blame you. I don't think I would've done any differently in your shoes."

"I think you would've," she said. "You're very sensible."

"So are you."

"Only sometimes," she admitted.

He allowed himself to laugh, but only slightly and through his nose. She figured it must've counted for something.

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