Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Abby's POV

Ashton pulled the car over in a hurry and turned to face me. "Abby, why on earth would we be disappointed?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh I don't know, maybe because every time I get a mission I'm risking my life!" Luke placed a hand on my knee. "Abby, what you do, is kind of like what people do in the army. You fight to help others. You fight for the world. You save lives. We couldn't be more proud that you're doing something like this, and we'll support you every step of the way." I smiled.

"That's probably the nicest thing someone's ever said to me." I said whilst fighting to hold back the tears, Ashton chuckled and drive the car back onto the road so we could get home. I felt Michael place his hand on my thigh and I think Calum noticed because he whispered something to Luke and Luke then whispered something to Ashton. It turned out a lot like Chinese Whispers because then Ashton pulled over yet again and shouted at Michael.

"Don't touch my daughter!" He shouted his face going red. Michael lifted his hand from my thigh, which made me whine quietly, Michael noticed and smirked, then put his hands up in the surrender position. "Seems like she was enjoying it to me." He said whilst winking at me, Ashton looked at me his eyebrows raised. "Did not you perv!" Ashton looked happy and turned back around in his seat whilst I pecked Michael's cheek making Luke and Calum 'ooh'.

"What's going on back there?" Ashton asked as he was facing the road. I bit my lip before saying, "nothing daddy." All eyes were on me, mouths wide with shock, as well as eyes. "A-Abby, what did you just say?" I looked at Michael and batted my eyelashes at him making him groan. "I said, nothing." Calum scoffed, "I think you're missing the word we all heard." He said whilst rolling his eyes. "And what's that?" Calum just glared at me whilst I was acting all innocent.

The car finally stopped and we all got out, I ran up to the door and just rested against it. That was, until the door opened. Now I'm laying on the floor with everyone laughing at me. I opened my eyes to see Ashton holding his hand out for me, I took it and he pulled me up. "Thanks dad." Ash smiled. "I can't believe you're already calling me dad, usually when people are adopted you have to wait ages until they call you mum or dad. Sometimes the child never even calls their adoptive parents mum or dad."

He shook his head with disbelief but you could see the smile that was plastered on his face. I smiled and pecked his cheek and gave him a hug before running up the stairs and into my room. I closed the door behind me and turned around to see Michael, Calum and Luke laying on my bed. "Can I help you?" I asked as I walked over to my bed. "You could explain why the three of us got hard in the car." I rolled my eyes. "What's there to explain? You all just have a daddy kink." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

I looked over at Michael and saw him looking down at his hands. "Aw what's wrong Michael?" I asked sticking out my bottom lip. He looked at me and his cheeks went slightly pink before he looked back down at his hands. "N-nothing." I couldn't stop the smile on my face growing. "Is wittle Michael nervous around me?" I asked batting my eyelashes and placing my hand on his thigh. Michael gave a panicked look over to Luke and Calum and they both shrugged, not sure on what they can do. "You know, Abby. You don't seem to be that innocent." Stated Luke, biting his lip ring.

"Just because I'm 16 and constantly working on missions doesn't mean I haven't had sex." Calum's eyes widened and I heard another voice. "You've had what now?" I turned around to see Ashton standing in the doorway. I hadn't even noticed the door had been opened since I closed it, I sighed. "On a previous mission I had to get this guys trust and I asked how I could do it and he said sex. So that's what I gave him." I said shrugging my shoulders as if it's no big deal.

"So, wait, you lost your viginity to a stranger to get his trust?" Ashton asked, his eyes widening by the second. I nodded my head looking down. "I didn't want to loose my viginity like that, but I had too." Ashton looked away from me, I felt like I'd just been rejected. Hurt. I felt broken. And it was due to the past. "I saw how you made the guys feel in the car, and I saw you in here with your hand on Michael's thigh. I can tell you have an effect on all of us. Not necessarily the same effect you have on me compared to the others...but you have an effect on all of us." I looked between the four of them.

"So what now?" Ashton sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm your dad so you can't do anything with me, but I can't stop you from doing anything with the guys." Ashton faced the guys. "If any of you hurt her, I'll kill you, and I won't hesitate." I smiled to myself, I guess Ashton's the overprotective type. Not that I'm complaining.

"I guess I best start putting cameras around the place so if we do get attacked I know where to put you guys so you're safe." The guys thought that it was a good idea so I crawled over Luke's lap so I could reach my bedside table. I opened the top draw to see they weren't in there, I opened the second one they weren't in there either, I opened the third one and dumped everything onto the floor and found the bag of small cameras in amongst the other items from the draw. "Aha!" I cheered as I held up the bag. I got off of Luke's lap and placed a camera in the corner of the room then I made my way to every other room in the house.

Ashton Irwin Adopted A CIA AgentWhere stories live. Discover now