Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Michael's POV

"Abby are you here?!" Luke shouted as we all walked through the door. I groaned and slapped the back of his head causing him to let out a high pitched scream. "Ow!" I chuckled along with Calum whilst Ashton just walked to the sofa and laid down face first. I sighed and walked up to the sofa. "Ash, just think about it. If she's not here, where is she most likley to be?" Ashton froze and slowly lifted his head, you could see the tears running down his face and that broke my heart.

Whenever I see one of the guys crying it always breaks my heart because they mean so much to me. "The agency?" I smiled and nodded my head. "Exactly, she'll most likley be there, don't you think?" Ashton nodded his head and a small smile spread across his face. "Can we head to the agency now?" I chuckled and held out s hand for Ash to grab. "Guys get outside! We're off to the agency!" I heard multiple cheers and Ashton giggled lightly making my smile grow wider. Man, I love our family.

When Ash and I had finally made it out of the house and locked the front door the guys and I started walking towards the agency. If fans spot us they'll most likley think we're off to the recording studio considering the agency is in the studio itself. "Guys, I'm scared." Ash said whilst looking down at the ground. Luke stopped walking and moved so he was in front of Ash.

"Listen Ash, if Abby's not at the agency, I'm sure Libby can track her. We'll find her, it's fine." Ashton slightly smiled and nodded his head, once again smearing away his tears. "Let's go find my daughter." Calum, Luke and I smiled brightly when Ashton had gained a lot more hope. I gently placed an arm over Ashton's shoulder. "We'll find her mate, don't worry about it." Ashton nodded his head and started jogging towards the studio considering it was only a few buildings down the road from where we are now.

The four of us marched into the building and headed for the 'Employees only' door. When we finally stopped arguing who goes through first, we all walked towards Libby's desk where there was a very tired Libby. We hadn't even talked to her yet, we could tell she was tired due to the bags under her eyes and the number of coffee mugs on her desk. There seemed to be around nine. Maybe ten. "Morning Libby." Ashton greeted with a smile, Libby looked up and she looked scared.

"U-Um, morning guys. W-what can I do for y-you?" I chuckled slightly. "You seem scared Libby, why?" Libby just shrugged her shoulders and went back to typing. "Libby, by any chance do you know where Abby is?" Libby looked back up at us and her eyes were wide. She turned around in her seat as if she was looking for something...or someone. "Um, n-no." She said whilst giving us a small smile.

I turned to Ashton and he was in a state. He was crying, but you couldn't hear anything. He's like a mime, that's crying real tears and everything. "Ash, mate, calm down." Luke said whilst rubbing his back soothingly. I sighed and faced Libby once more. "Can you track Abby and see where she is?" Libby looked at Ashton then myself and slowly nodded her head. I sighed happily and faced Ash. "Hear that Ash, she's going to track Abby."

The tears stopped immediately and a bright smile was plastered on Ashton's face. He clutched onto the edge of Libby's desk and started jumping in his spot. "Please Libby find out where she is!" He begged, Libby softly giggled and kept typing away on her computer. Then we heard a beep and saw that the printer was on, and paper was coming out of it.

Libby got out of her seat and walked over to the printer grabbing the piece of paper and handed it back to Ashton. "I hope you find her before he does." She said with a sad smile on her face. "I'm sorry, what do you mean?" Libby looked up at all of us confused. "You don't know?" She asked us, the guys and I exchanged glances and looked back at Libby. "Know what?" Luke asked. "Abby's on a mission." All of us froze. "She can't be, we were literally at this spy shop and then she ran off and so we chased her and she got in the car and left!" Ashton shouted, his face going red and his eyes watering.

"I called her whilst she was doing her fight thing and told her about a new mission. She said she'd finish the fight, see you guys, tell you about the mission and leave." Libby said then she shrugged her shoulders. "Whilst she was talking to you guys did something happen?" I looked at Ash then back at Libby. "Apparently this new guy that works here was saying things to Abby and she flipped." I said whilst shrugging my shoulders thinking it's nothing important.

"Describe him to me." Libby ordered, she quickly grabbed a notebook and a pen and was ready to write. "Quite tall, not bad looking. His name is Danny. Abby greeted him by that name, apparently they were meant to come back here." Libby froze whilst writing and looked up at us slowly. "Danny?" I nodded my head slowly and Libby got up and pressed this big red button that's by the printer. In came four people fully dressed in black. "Abby Irwin is in danger, Danny's there. She's somewhere in Brisbane now." My eyes widened and I faced the guys, they had the same expression.

"How can she be in Brisbane that quickly? It's only been two hours!" Libby looked at us. "She's a spy. The best spy, she has her ways of getting around fast." Libby then turned back to face the four strangers. "These are her co-ordinates, I want you to take these four and take them to Abby. If these four get hurt, Abby will murder you in a matter of seconds." One of the fours eyes widened and they started coughing. "I guess they're scared of Abby." I muttered to Ash which made him chuckle.

Within seconds each of the four people covered in black grabbed one of us and we all went our separate ways. I'm just glad we all have our phones so we can contact each other if we need too. "Excuse me but where are we going?" I ask the man in black that's dragging me to a motorbike. "And excuse me but I don't like dying!" I shouted as I was starting to panic. The man turned around and faced me, looking me dead in the eyes.

"If you complain whilst I'm trying to get you to Abby safely then I might as well kill you now." He sneered at me, I chuckled and gave him a glare when he turned away from me. "Bitch." I mumbled to myself. "Get on." He demanded as he was already sitting on the death machine. I slowly placed a leg over the other side and carefully sat down and wrapped my arms around his waist so I don't fall off. As the dude was starting the engine I saw Ashton go by in a black SUV, but I never found Calum or Luke, I just hope that they're ok.

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