Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Abby's POV

"SSHHH!!" I shouted as I payed full attention to the computer. Moments passed and finally the identity came onto the screen which made me freeze. "No. No that's impossible." I said falling back onto the bed, the guys all surrounding me with cautious looks. I sighed and removed my hands to show the tears. "Abby what's wrong?" Ashton asked as he pulled me onto his lap. "He's not dead." The guys looked at me confused. "Who's not dead?"

I showed them the computer and they all flinched when they saw the identity. "Wow, guess the impossible is possible." Luke said whilst sighing. "He's going to kill her." I said, my voice breaking slightly throughout the sentence. "I should've protected her more." I said whilst placing my head on Michael's shoulder. "Abby she'll be ok, you're the one who's going to save her." I stopped and removed my head from Michael and stood up, indicating to the boys to be quiet.

I was hearing voices, they were coming from downstairs. I slowly clicked on the computer to bring up the cameras in each room. I was correct, there are people in the house. "Shit." I cursed quietly the guys all exchanged confused glances and I motioned for them all to follow me. I led them into my bathroom and made them all get into the bath. I motioned for them to stay quiet and stay still. I moved away from the bath and pulled out a certain gadget.

This gadget creates an invisible wall, everyone will be able to see the bath, but they won't be able to see the guys inside. "You guys can't leave the bath, nobody can see you right now, not even me." There was a loud crash and I moved to the sink to wash my hands. Seconds later the bathroom door was broken down and I had a gun immediately pointed at my head.

"Hands up!" I slowly raised my hands so they were on either side of my head and I slowly turned around to face the guy. I almost screamed at who I saw. "Well, you've looked better." The guy smirked then pulled on my hair. "It's your fault I look like this." And I smiled. "Not my fault. You're the one who was trying to kill me along with my best friend." I said, keeping myself calm I looked at the bathroom wall and heard the gun being loaded.

Jamie laughed lowly and grinned at me, blood smeared across his teeth. "You deserve to die." I remained silent. "You've put so many people in danger." I turned around and faced Jamie again. "Says you, you've killed and nearly killed millions more people than me!" I shouted pushing him back into the wall making him drop the gun.

Jamie and I exchanged glares before we both dived for the gun. Unfortunately for him, I grabbed it first and pointed it at his head. "Get the hell out of this house and I won't kill you." I snarled, holding the gun in such a tight grip that if Jamie moved a step toward as me I wouldn't miss the centre of his forehead. Shame Jamie didn't think like I did, he took a step closer to me and I shot him immediately, his eyes wide and mouth left agape. "You didn't get out so I killed you, yet again, you're fault."

I sighed and picked Jamie's body up and placing him over my shoulder. "Just taking out the trash." I said before walking out of the bathroom and making my way outside to the back bins and dumping Jamie's body inside. I ran back upstairs and into the bathroom and pulled out the same gadget and unlocked it so I could see the guys again. "Hey." I said whilst smiling smugly. The four guys just stood there with shocked expressions plastered on their faces.

After no response from the guys I sighed and walked back into my room and just stood outside on the balcony, thinking of where Libby could be. I've killed the person that captured her, now all I needed to do was find her. I looked out into the distance and looked amongst the mountains and valleys seeing all the lights dotted around the areas. "God I hope I find you soon." I said to myself whilst sighing softly. "I'll find you one day Libby, not too long either." I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see the guys all standing there looking disappointed.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Ashton walked up to me and pulled me in for a hug. "Sorry we didn't talk immediately after the recent incident. We're still not really used to this so...we are very proud of you, we're just scared." I smiled and hugged Ashton back. "I know, and I'm sorry you guys had to witness something like that." Ashton softly patted my head and I sighed. "I love you dad, I know it hasn't been long, but my god...I feel as though you guys love me more than my own family ever did."

Ashton smiled and led me back into my bedroom where the rest of the guys had gone to get out of the cold. "Well don't worry about them now Abby, we're your new family." Michael said whilst smiling widely. "So have you any ideas where Libby is?" Calum asked, I shrugged my shoulders. "No, it's going to be a long night for me, you guys go to bed, it's already 11pm, I'll stay up. I'm used to staying up all night on end for days. I'll be fine." I said reassuring Ashton and the boys I'll be fine. "Ok, but if you have to go somewhere let us know in some sort of way." I smiled and gave Ashton a hug. "God I love you dad." I felt the guys jump ontop of us. "Family hug!" They all shouted making me laugh. Once they pulled away they all headed out of my room after saying goodnight to me numerous times.

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