Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Abby's POV

"So what are you doing here at this time?" Jamie asked whilst still scratching the back of his neck. "I'm her to show the guys how to work some stuff in the training room. Booked it for 5pm." I said whilst leaning against Libby's desk. Jamie nodded before smiling to himself and walking away, when he was out of ear range I leaned over the desk so I was closer to Libby. "Find out more about Crystal and Jamie, apparently they're going to kill me. I need more details." Libby looked at me shocked before typing away on the computer.

I took the sign in sheet and pen and then handed it to the guys. "You all need to sign it and say you're here with me." The guys nodded and started passing it around as well as the pen. As soon as they finished signing in they each had massive smiles plastered on their faces, so did I until Libby spoke up. "Abby, Jamie and Crystal are planning on coming back down here and to the training room." My eyes widened and the guys looked at me confused.

"Thanks Libby, when they get here distract them so I can leave without them noticing." Libby smiled and held up a thumb, I smiled to myself. What would I do without Libby? I nodded my head at the guys and they started jumping around. "When we get in there, you need to be calm and listen to everything I say. If you don't, then I'll take you home and you'll never step foot in this building again. Do I make myself clear?" The guys all nodded and looked sacred at the tone of voice I just used on them. "Sorry, I do that on missions. Force of habit."

I smiled weakly and they all remained silent and followed me. Once we made it to the door I noticed Katalina was just finishing up. "Hey Kat!" She turned and faced me. "Hey right back at ya." She said whilst giggling. "You want one last go using an actual person?" Her eyes widened. "Me? Against you? But you're the best!" The guys behind me chuckled and I turned to face them. "Whilst I help Kat finish, can you guys go sit on that bench? We'll only be a few minutes."

The guys nodded and walked over to the bench each sending me smiles as I made my way over to Kat. "So what've you been doing?" Kat shrug her shoulders. "Practised shooting, dodging, punching, kicking, flips." I nodded my head. "Want to try an actual fight?" Kat bit her lip with nerves and nodded her head, the two of us heading to the ring. "Boxing with gloves or no gloves?" Kat answered my question by just climbing into the ring, I shook my head fighting the urge to laugh and climbed in after her.

I heard the guys cheer, Kat and I turned to face them and the two of us laughed. "Who are they?" She questioned looking confused. "Curly is my dad, cool hair is Michael, lip ring is Luke, tanned one is Calum." She smiled and waved over at them, they waved back and Kat giggled slightly. The two of us got back to focusing and started circling each other. "You going to make the first move or what?" I asked chuckling, Kat replied by running at me. I moved out of the way and she flipped over the ropes making me fall to the floor clutching my stomach with laughter.

Kat groaned so I got up and jumped over the ropes to land right beside her making her body jerk suddenly. The two of us laughed and I held my hand out for her and she grabbed it and I pulled her up to be punched in the face. I jerked back and held my jaw. "Dang girl you can throw a punch." I said still clutching my jaw. "That's not all I can do Abby." She said just as she lunged at me, I lunged at her and I tackled her to the ground first and started throwing punches. "You need to block them Kat." She started letting out cries of pain and I stopped climbing off of her.

"You need to work on defending yourself, you're welcome." I smiled at her whilst she glared at me then grabbed her stuff and walked out. As soon as the door closed the guys burst out laughing and ran over to me, Michael picking me up and spinning me around. "Oh my god Abby! That was amazing!" Ashton shouted giving me a hug. Once everyone had hugged me and congratulated me I decided to hold a vote. "Who wants to shoot first?" Michael and Calum raised their hands and I made a mental note of 2 for shooting.

"Who wants to fight first?" Luke rose his hand immediately and I sighed. "Luke and Dad, sorry but you're outvoted. Everyone make your way to the guns and I'll hook you up with one each." The guys all ran to the shooting area and I jogged to the back cupboard which held all the guns. I walked back out with five different guns and placed them all on the ground making sure I disabled them first. "Everyone grab one gun." I ordered, the guys surprising walked calmly and grabbed a gun each. "You will swap guns so you can try each one out so don't worry if you didn't get the one you wanted first."

The guys made their way back so they were behind the shooting barriers. "I'll go one by one showing each of you how to shoot." Just so happens that Michael was first and he was acting like he had no clue how to hold a gun. That's bullshit. Have you not seen how many video games this boy plays? "Right so you need to hands for this gun," I started to explain, "you need to keep your eyes in level with this." I said whilst pointing at the focus on the top of the gun.

When I'd finished showing the guys how to use each of the five guns they were starting to feel tired, couldn't blame them. I haven't been sleeping properly. "Right guys, hand me your guns one at a time." The guys are seriously surprising me today, they're doing exactly I saw, no questions or anything. I'm loving it.

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