Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Abby's POV

It's now 1am and I have an idea as to where Libby could be. I grab my rucksack and put in minor gadgets I have hidden in my room, I head down to the kitchen and grab a piece of paper from the side and a pen from the draw. Hey guys, it's currently 1am and I have an idea as to where Libby could be. Don't panic, I've put a security system around the house so if someone gets in, I'll be the first to know and I can communicate to you guys through your earpieces, put them on as soon as you see this note. I don't know when I'll be back, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. And when you next see me, I'll have Libby with me too. Love Abby xxx I slowly made my way out of the house and activated the security system and made my way to the agency to gather more gadgets I'll most likely be needing.

When I made it into the agency I had to hack Libby's computer so I could unlock Safe 392 where all my gadgets are. Well, most of them. I grabbed some grenades, smoke bombs, bullet proof vests and a laser ring. I may be on a mission, but I still need my bling. Once I gathered everything, I made my way out of the agency, not before putting Libby's computer back in its original state though and headed for the forest. Something tells me it's going to be a long, dark, cold night. There were footprints on the ground, most of them didn't seem to be human footprints though. I don't get why, but right now, I'm so scared.

What happens if Libby's already dead? What will happen when I try to get some sleep at some point? Am I going to be attacked? Most likley. I stopped when I heard screaming. I stayed still like a statue, the screams could lead me to Libby, I need to follow them. Once I figured which direction the screaming came from I started heading in that direction. I'm going to get Libby, and she's going to be alive and unharmed, I kept thinking to myself. If anything bad happened to her, knowing myself, I'd be the one to blame.

The screaming kept growing louder and louder until I spotted this old house. It was in the middle of nowhere. Vines covered the walls, smashed windows, graffiti on the walls and doors. But then there was light. I hid down behind a bush and just watched the window where the light suddenly came from. As I payed more attention I was able to hear some sort of conversation. I slowly made my way closer to the house, I hid behind an old, rusty car and just waited to see if the talking would die down or not. After a few minutes the conversation was still going strong so I decided to walk up to a different window, use the ledge to be able to start climbing up the wall.

It definitely took time, but in the end I was just under the window that has the light on and the people talking inside. "She won't ever find you, well, she might, but you'll be dead before she does." I chuckled quietly to myself and heard a door slam. Then I heard one open beneath me and I looked down to see someone walking out of the house and into the bushes. I took this as my moment to climb through the window and find out who he was talking to, and what he was talking about.

When my feet hit the ground there was a sudden scream. I looked around the room and in the right corner was Libby. She looked petrified. I ran up to her and untied her from the chair and she leaped up and hugged me, crying hysterically into my shoulder. "Libby, I need you to calm down." Libby started taking deep breaths and soon was calm as can be. "Are you hurt?" Libby shook her head. I nodded. "We have to get out of here before someone gets back."

Libby pointed behind me and I just stared at her confused until I heard a dark chuckle. "Too late." I groaned and turned around to face someone I didn't expect to ever see holding a gun and pointing it directly at me. "D-dad?" He chuckled and took another step towards me. "When you left us, we were all broken. Your mother passed away and Kalee left us. I don't know where she's gone but I haven't heard from her. And it's all because of you." I took a step back, slightly shaking. In all my life, I've never been more scared.

"Dad, don't do anything you'll regret." My father shook his head and bit into his lip. "The only thing I've ever regretted is letting you go and destroy my family." He snarled, my eyes started to fill with tears but I had to fight to hold them back. I couldn't let him know he was getting to me, if I did it would show I am weak. I am anything but weak. My father started walking towards Libby and I and as a reflex I pulled out a knife and flung it directly at my fathers head. I froze. I was brought back when I heard Libby scream, I shook my head and blinked a few times before realising this was no dream.

I just threw a knife at my father, he didn't have a chance to dodge it. It was so unexpected to him...I just killed my father. I grabbed Libby's hand and dragged her out of the house and into the woods. I noticed Libby's weak so I stopped in front of her and bent down, Libby caught on and jumped onto my back. "Aren't I heavy?" I shook my head. "You're really light." I said whilst giggling. A few moments passed by and we were both silent. "I'm sorry about your father." I shrugged my shoulders. "Better that you're alive and he's dead." Libby sighed and remains quiet until we got out of the forest. "I can walk from here." I sighed and let go of her so she could let go from around my neck and just stand up.

Walking around town was quiet between us until we reached the agency. "I have to drop off a few gadgets, want to come in and see everyone?" Libby smiled and ran into the building, I laughed and ran in following her. By the time I got to Libby's desk she was already typing away, I laughed and shook my head in disbelief. I walked up to her desk and she smiled whilst looking up at me. "What can I do for you Abby?" I smiled and placed my bag on the desk.

"You can open Safe 392 please." Libby smiled and nodded. "It's unlocked, head down now." I smiled and gave her one last hug before grabbing my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and walking down many corridors. I made it to Safe 392 and I put my bag down once I made my way inside. I emptied out extra things I put in and I took off my bucket proof vests. I returned everything but the ring. I think I can keep this with me.

Once placing my bag back onto my back I headed out of Safe 392 and held down on my earpiece. "Libby please close Safe 392." Libby responded with a giggle and I shook my head and made my way back up to her desk. "Come on." I said whilst smiling, Libby just gave me a look of confusion. "Where are we going?" I smiled. "I'm taking you back to mine, I need to ask you questions and make sure you're ok." Libby smiled and stood up after logging off of her computer.

She ran around the desk so she was by my side and we headed out of the agency and made our way back to my dads. When we got there, I noticed here was an extra car parked in the drive. The guys were all looking out of the front window and I just gave them a look of confusion, I looked inside the car and there was nobody inside. I shook my head and led Libby to the front door. I unlocked it and disabled the security system and gently pushed her inside.

"Abby you're back!" The guys all shouted, once they made it into the room they noticed that Libby was there too and they all ran up to her and hugged her. Libby just laughed and hugged each of them back. I smiled at the sight and remembered what I have to go through with Libby. I coughed and everyone pulled away from Libby and all ran over to me, I laughed and pushed them all off. "That's not exactly why I coughed but ok." The guys all chuckled and Libby looked down.

"Libby I'm going to have to go through everything with you now." Libby nodded and walked back over to my side. "Do you want the guys to come?" Libby nodded and I motioned for the guys to follow me. I led everyone up to my room and the guys all ran over to my bed and I just pulled over two chairs from the balcony that Libby and I can sit on.

"Ok so Libby, I'm first going to check if there's any injuries, you know what to do." Libby groaned and stood up and took off her top. I first noticed the bruises on her rib cage and I bent down and gently pressed a finger to one and she flinched immediately. I sighed. "Sorry." Libby just gave a breathy laugh and shook her head. "Just make it quick Abby." I nodded my head in response and walked over to my chest of draws and opened the bottom draw.

I took out a pill and some spray, I handed the pill to Libby and she took it instantly and then I sprayed the spray all across her rib cage and she hissed in pain. "Sorry, it'll all be over in a moment." Libby just screwed her eyes shut and nodded her head. "After this you can answer my questions, ok?" Libby nodded and tried to continue ignoring the pain. Once she was able to sit down, no longer in pain I grabbed a notebook and a pen and was ready to write.

Ashton Irwin Adopted A CIA AgentWhere stories live. Discover now