Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Abby's POV

"HELP!" I screamed whilst clinging onto a tree branch. "HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed on as the branch was starting to snap due to my weight. As the branch was snapping I saw a hand and reached for it and it pulled me up. Tommy was crying and I was laying down by the edge of the cliff trying to capture my breath. "Are you ok?" Tommy asked and I shook my head. "It hurts to move." I groaned, Tommy sighed and carried me to the car, he opened the door and there were many gasps.

"Abby are you ok?!" The guys chorused. I slightly shook my head and Tommy sighed. "I'll have to take her to the hospital after your show." He said. "Tommy, lay me down over their laps." I said, the guys that had their legs crossed over the other sorted themselves out and Tommy laid me down so my head was on Ashton's lap and my feet were with Michael.

"You ok?" Ash asked as he moved the hair out of my face. I slowly nodded my head. "I'm fine." I croaked out which made the guys all give me a strange look. "Guys I'm fine, no need to worry about me." I slowly sat up. "Let's head to the show." I said trying to be louder. "Abby just remain quiet ok?" Tommy asked, I puffed out and folded my arms over my chest. "Then what am I supposed to do?" I ask whilst rolling my eyes. "Nothing!" Tommy snapped.

I groaned and threw my head back into the window, I slowly opened my eyes to see the guys all grimacing. "What?" Ash moved his hand to the back of my head and put pressure on it causing me to flinch. "Ow! Dad that hurt!" I said whilst swatting his hand away. Ash muttered a 'sorry' and now we're all sitting in silence. Well, it was silent until Tommy's phone rang.

"Abby can you get that?" I groaned. "Where's your phone?" Tommy nervously chuckled. "In my back pocket." My eyes widened. "Get it yourself!" I shouted. "Abby I'm driving!" He complained, I mentally slapped myself and moved so I was in the passenger seat. "You're going to have to lift your hips up." Tommy did so and I reached over and put my hand in his pocket. "Not that pocket!" He shouted.

I instantly moved my hand away and wiped it on his shirt then moved to his pocket on the other side and I pulled out his phone. "What's your passcode?" Tommy sighed and I smirked. "Is it still that word?" Tommy chuckled and nodded his head causing me to burst out laughing. "Dork." I said whilst moving back to lay across the guys. "Who was it that called?" He asked whilst looking over his shoulder. "Blocked number." Tommy shrugged his shoulders. "Call it, it may be important." I then shrugged my shoulders and clicked on the contact.

"Put it on speaker." Ash whispered in my ear, I pushed him away and held it to my ear. All I heard when they picked up was a wicked laugh that sent shivers through my body. 'I'm still alive, and I'm coming for you, all of you.' Then they hung up. I froze and placed the phone on the passengers seat. "Who was it?" I shook my head. "Luke, duck down." I looked through the back window to see a car chasing after us. "That's impossible! She was still in the goddamn car!" I shouted hitting the seat.

"Abby who was it?" I turned and faced Tommy. "Sandy, she's alive, she's after us. She's in the car right behind us!" I stated starting to get worked up. "Abby, you've never been like this on a mission!" I gasped. "Maybe it's because your crazy ex tried to throw me off of a cliff!" Tommy nodded his head. "In her defence, she was still in the car too." I slapped Tommy upside the head causing him to whine. "What do I do?" I ask looking around the car for anything I could use.

I saw two guns. "Abby we have more company!" Tommy shouted starting to get panicked. "And what do you want me to do about it?!" I shouted back at him. I looked back at the guns and had an idea. I grabbed the two guns and moved so I was in the passengers seat again. "Tommy, turn the car around 360° and lean back into your seat." Tommy smirked, knowing what I was going to do and turned the car whilst leaning back into his seat. Whilst the car started turning I opened both the windows and held a gun out of one and one in front of Tommy's face. "Abby shoot now!" He shouted, and just like that I was shooting none stop until the cars heading for us just suddenly stopped.

"What happened to that car?" Tommy asked pointing to the car that was coming from in front. I shrugged my shoulders. "I shot the driver and punctured a couple of the tires." I said not really caring. "What about Sandy's car?" I asked trying to look past Tommy. He gave me a look of confusion and turned around. "I can't see her." I sighed. "She can't have just disappeared!" I exclaimed. "Oh I'll go see where she is." I said whilst climbing out of the car. "Abby!" I turned around to see Calum.

"Abby please be careful." I smiled and nodded my head. When I made it to Sandy's car I pulled out a gun and had it loaded just in case she decided to pull a trick on me. I looked through the boot window, she wasn't in there. I looked through the back windows, she wasn't in the back. Then I looked through the front windows, she wasn't in there. I sighed and put the gun on safety and put it in the waist band of my jeans and headed back to the car. "She's not in there." Tommy sighed and got out of the car.

He dragged me off towards Sandy's car and he started shouting at me. "Are you blind?!" He screamed. "She's got to be in there somewhere!" He shouted, raising his voice even more causing me to slightly back away from him. He looked back at our car and screamed like a girl causing me to smirk. He turned me around and then I screamed and started running for the car. But I was too slow. Sandy was driving the car...and the guys were still inside.

I started to look around looking frantic to anyone who was witnessing. Then I spotted it...a motorbike. "Tommy!" I shouted whilst running to the motorbike, when I got on I saw Tommy was just about to climb on, once he had his hands around my waist I handed him the helmet. "Why aren't you wearing it?!" He shouted and I shrugged my shoulders. "I ain't no girl!" I shouted back, I made the engine roar and started to racing towards Sandy and the boys. "I'll save you guys, even if it's the last thing I do." I muttered to myself as we kept following their car.

Sandy's POV

I saw Abigail get out of the car so I quickly jumped out and ran so I was behind her car. When she made her way back over I still made sure nobody had noticed me and when Tommy left the car too. He made the mistake of not locking it, I slowly climbed in and locked it from the inside. The guys started to shout but neither Abigail or Tommy heard which made me chuckle.

I started the engine and that's when Tommy screamed, I smirked evilly and then Abigail was turned around by Tommy and she immediately started running towards us. My smirk widened and I drove off causing her to look around for something, I just kept laughing. "You're a bitch! You know that?" The colourful one shouted. "Oh I know, this is all revenge!" I sneered whilst turning a sharp corner causing two of them to topple onto the other and the one in the back crashed into the wall.

Minutes later I heard the guys cheering and I looked in the wing mirror and started hitting the steering wheel repeatedly which caused the guys to start laughing. I turned another sharp corner and the guys all smirked, I didn't understand why though. "Quit smirking!" I snarled at them. I looked back through the wing mirror and sighed with confusion. "What the hell?" I asked to myself. I almost stopped the car when there was a thud on the roof. I looked back out the wing mirror and there was still no sign of them.

Then there was a strange sound. I looked up and gasped when I saw what I saw. Someone was cutting through the roof of the car. Suddenly, the sound just stopped, I stared intently at the circle that was made and then nearly screamed when Abigail dropped through the roof. "So, what did I miss?" She asked when the guys started cheering. I chuckled darkly and pulled the car over so we didn't get into a car crash. "I'll show you what you missed." I snarled grabbing a knife.

Abby smirked. "Ooh, I'm so scared!" She said whilst waving her hands in front of her face. A couple of the guys chuckled but I just groaned with annoyance. "Do you want me to get Tommy for you? That didn't sound like just a normal groan." She said whilst holding back a laugh, the guys started laughing hysterically though and I turned to face them. "SHUT UP!" I heard a small cough and faced Abigail to be greeted with a punch. "Don't tell my family to shut up, thank you." She said whilst I was sitting up clutching my nose. "Fuck you bitch!"

She smirked. "Sorry but you can't." I screamed and went to punch Abigail but she kicked me back so I went crashing into the car door. "What is with you and me having fights in cars? Is that our thing?" Abigail asked whilst smiling. I just groaned and laid back. "You win." I moaned out. I reopened my eyes to see that Abigail was waving handcuffs in front of me, I sighed and held out my wrists for her to cuff. That's it, game over.

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