Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Luke's POV

Calum and I were in a helicopter. We could see Michael on the back of a motorbike but we couldn't see Ash. Calum thinks that Ash is in the black SUV, but I'm not convinced. What doesn't make sense to me is that it's daytime, each of us are in black vehicles so we'll be easily spotted. I'm no expert or anything, but when being a spy, isn't your aim not to be seen? I don't know, just trying to make sense of all of this. Maybe when we get there it's meant to be dark so the black will make it harder for us to be seen.

"Psst, Cal." I nudged him, I think he's sleeping. "Cal wake up." I whisper shouted, I didn't want either of our spies to notice that I'm trying to communicate with him. I think we're meant to be asleep. "Cal!" I whisper shouted a little bit louder, I also slapped him around the face, I was quiet but it left a hand mark and a furious Calum. I chuckled nervously and as Calum was calming down I started to recognise the area, we've performed a show here, we're somewhere in Brisbane and Brisbane is where Abby is. Or where she was, she may have moved by now.

"Cal, do you reckon we'll find Abby?" I asked, Calum looked at me with sad eyes and shrugged his shoulders. "I hope so, I know none of us have known her for long...but she's family. And I love her like a sister." I sighed and nodded my head. "I agree." Calum sighs. "Let's just hope that Ash is handling everything ok." I chuckled. "Yea, whoever his spy is, good luck to him." Calum softly chuckled too.

"This is Agent Coleman, Agent Clear and Agent Newman please slow your vehicles, we're coming into landing since we have eyes on Ms Irwin." Cal and I exchanged glances and we were both smiling widely, we found Abby. Oh I hope Ash heard all of that, if he did he'd be throwing a party. I looked out of the window and looked down to see that we were starting to get closer and closer to the ground in the middle of an empty field. All that was there was the back SUV and a motorbike and small people standing by.

When we landed both Calum and I undid our seatbelts and waited impatiently for the doors to be opened. After a moment or so the doors were opened and we ran out and ran to the boys and tackled them into a big hug. "Guys, our spies had eyes on Abby, they know where she is!" I practically screamed, I don't think I had to say anything because Ash was already smiling like an idiot. The four spies got together and started talking, us guys were staring at them waiting for them to tell us what their plan is.

After about ten minutes of trying to figure out what they're saying they finally made their way over to us. "Guys, you have to stay here and one of us is going to keep an eye on you whilst the other three Ho and help Ms Irwin, she seems to a sticky situation." I nodded my head and my spy rose his hand. "What Agent Coleman?" Snapped Calum's spy. "I was just volunteering to stay and watch these four." He said with a smug smile.

Calum's spy eyed us four and looked back at Agent Coleman. "Ok Agent, you stay here and we'll be back with Ms Irwin soon." And just like that, three spies left and Agent Coleman faced us and glared at us. "So, what are we going to do whilst they look for Abby?" Michael asked with a smile on his face. Agent Coleman scowled and marched up to Michael so he was right in his face and spat at him. "Did I say you can talk?" He snarled. The four of us weren't expecting this, this dude isn't here for Abby.

"You don't seem like you want to be here." Ashton started. "Why are you here?" He then asked. Agent Coleman walked up to him and pushed him back so Ash fell to the ground. "Hey!" I said marching up to Agent Coleman. It was hard, he was taller than me and that made me feel intimidated. I instantly moved back a few steps by instinct and crossed my arms over my chest. "You best say sorry." Agent Coleman chuckled. "Or what?" He said with an evil smile that gave me shivers.

"Or you'll by the one who dies." The four of us gasped and Agent Coleman turned around to see Abby. "Ugh! You bitch, I thought they had you dead!" Abby chuckled. "You can't kill me, you and your men are pathetic!" Abby started laughing and walked over to Ashton and helped him up. "Thanks Abby." Abby smiled and kissed his cheek and then walked back up to Agent Coleman. "How come you weren't in there?"

Abby asked whilst motioning her head in the left direction which led to an old crooked house. Agent Coleman chugged his shoulders. Abby smirked. "Because if I'm not mistaken, you're the one who wanted to kill me. If I'm not mistaken, you have a son named Danny. Danny's in critical condition right now, and that's all your fault. You blackmailed him into this job didn't you?" Abby snarled in his face causing him to stumble backwards a few feet. "He doesn't want to be a spy, it's all apart of your plan." She spat at him making us all laugh.

Abby's POV

I'm tied up in an old crooked house that looks like it's about to fall down. "God I hope the boys are safe." I whine to myself. "Shut up you pathetic whore!" Someone shouted, I looked around the room but that's didn't help. The room was pitch black, I couldn't see anything. "Who's there?" I ask still looking around and remaining silent so I can try and hear the footsteps. "I'm sorry Abby, I really don't want to have to do this."

This person sounded really genuinely sorry. I just rolled my eyes and then the lights were switched on and I was squinting. "God that's bright." I complained causing the person to laugh. My eye sight went back to normal and I nearly gasped when I saw who it was. "Danny? What are you doing here?" Danny darkly chuckled and gave me a death glare, still pointing a gun directly at my head. "I'm here on orders of my father. Dominic Coleman." My eyes widened, Libby sent me a message before I was captured saying that he was one of the men that were coming to help.

But no, he was here to kill me. "Where is he?" I asked. "He's outside with your family." My eyes widened and I started thrashing around hoping that the ropes would become loose and I can escape. "Danny please, this is my new family. Let me go, and I won't hurt you." Danny looked around unsure of himself and sighed. "If my father finds out I helped you, he'll kill me in seconds." I silently nodded my head waiting for Danny to untie me.

Danny placed the gun on the floor and walked over to me and untied me. "If anyone asks I went to the loo and you escaped then." I nodded my head and shook his hand. "Thank you Danny." He shrugged and smiled. "And by the way, I'm not a spy. This was all my dads plan, I'm so sorry Abby." I smiled and shook my head. "It's fine, nobody's hurt." As I was heading for the door it suddenly crashed against the wall and I flew back and landed on my back.

I groaned in pain and looked over at Danny, he was unconscious and he was covered in blood. What kind of idea is blowing up a door? That just risked my life as well! In walked Agent Clear, Agent Newman and Agent Wolf. "Ms Irwin!" Two of the three shouted as they ran over to me. "Are you hurt?" I shook my head and they helped me up. "What kind of idea is blowing up a door?!" I shouted making the two that were by me walk backwards.

I sighed. "Sorry, it was just a bad idea." I shrugged my shoulders. "Someone grab the boy and take him to the hospital, Ms Irwin we need to get you out of here." I slightly smiled and nodded. Once I was outside and felt the cold breeze wash over me my eyes widened. "Where's Agent Coleman?" I ask Agent Newman who's right by my side, he looked at me confused and pointed into the distance where I could faintly see my family.

I started running, once I made it to the same filed that they were in I saw Agent Coleman push Ash to the ground. I mentally shot him and climbed out of the bush I was hiding behind and made my way so I was behind Agent Coleman. "You best say sorry." Luke said which made Agent Coleman chuckle. "Or what?" He asked with an evil smile. "Or you'll be the one who dies."

I noticed the four guys turned to face me and they gasped, then when Agent Coleman turned and saw me he just groaned. "Ugh! You bitch, I thought they had you dead!" I chuckled. "You can't kill me, you and your men are pathetic!" I started laughing and walked over to Ashton and helped him up. "Thanks Abby." I smiled and kissed his cheek and then walked back up to Agent Coleman. "How come you weren't in there?" I asked whilst motioning my head in the direction which led to the old crooked house I was recently captured in.

Agent Coleman chugged his shoulders. I smirked. "Because if I'm not mistaken, you're the one who wanted to kill me. If I'm not mistaken, you have a son named Danny. Danny's in critical condition right now, and that's all your fault. You blackmailed him into this job didn't you?" I snarled in his face causing him to stumble backwards a few feet. "He doesn't want to be a spy, it's all apart of your plan." I then spat at him making us all laugh as he looked like a deer spotted in headlights.

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