Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Abby's POV

"Everybody up!" I shouted at 10am, I know that Dad was already up, he was most likley out for a run. Luke will be sleeping but he's a dragon in the morning. Michael's a heavy sleeper so in a minute I'm going to have to pour cold water over him. Calum? He'll be awake now that I've shouted, Luke will be waking up now too. "ABBY!" Luke shouted, I smirked to myself and walked into his room. "You shouted?" He nodded and gave me an evil grin, I gave a small squeal and ran downstairs.

And just in that time, Ash walked through the door sweat dripping off of him. I ran over to him and hid behind him. "Dad, Luke's going to kill me!" I shouted making Ash laugh and help hide me from Luke. By now Luke was just walking down the stairs and I was hanging onto Ash for dear life. "Abby, I know you're down here." He taunts, I give a small giggle and Ash gently bumps me into the wall signalling me to be quiet.

"Morning Luke." Ash greeted, still keeping me hidden behind him. "Hey Ash, seen Abby?" Ash shook his head. "No, why? Is she missing?" He asked, worry in his voice which made it harder for me not to laugh. "No, she just woke me up and I want to get back at her." Ash took a step forward which meant I had to too. "And what are you going to do to her?" Luke shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not 100% sure yet." Then there was silence. "Ok Abby, he's gone now." I smiled and jumped out from behind Ash. "Thanks dad."

I pecked his cheek and was about to leave the kitchen when Luke showed up with Nerf Guns. What scared me, is that they're loaded. "Luke, put those down!" I shouted, Luke just smirked and I turned to face Ash and he was just sitting on the kitchen counter smiling deviously at me. "I hate you." I said jokingly which made Ashton laugh and point behind me. My eyes widened and I started to feel the plastic bullets hitting my back.

I squealed and took off up the stairs. "Michael!" I shouted. "Open your door!" Unfortunately I think he fell back to sleep so I ran down the hall to Calum's room. I opened the door and saw him shirtless and I closed the door and jumped on his back which made him fall to the floor. "My god Abby, are you ok?" He asked fully concerned and I just laughed. "Luke's attacking me with Nerf Gun bullets!" I shouted whilst laughing hysterically. Calum started laughing too and helped me stand up. "Today's the day." He said whilst smiling and I smiled too.

"Yup, if you guys want to live, I'd listen to everything I say." Calum smiled and nodded his head. "Would it go against everything right now if I kissed you?" He asked and I shook my head. He leaned in and after a moment or so, I found myself leaning in too. And that's when our lips touched, I feel as though there were sparks flying everywhere. I didn't even realise that Luke was in the room until he screamed which made Michael and Ashton run into the room.

"Ok, why are you kissing? And why is Calum's shirt off?" Ashton asked whilst scolding the two of us. I looked from Ash to Calum a couple times and then spoke up. "I don't really know how we ended up kissing. But when I came into the room his shirt was already off." Ashton nodded and Michael was frowning whilst Luke was smirking and Calum was smiling. "Anyways, today's the day of your concert, and the day when that man is going to try and kill you." I said which made the tension in the room grow thicker.

"Do you think we'll be ok?" Calum asked whilst his hands moved down to my hips. "I'm sure you'll all be fine." I said whilst slowly nodding. "Oh, that reminds me, can I take back up?" Ashton looked at me funny and I giggled. "I think I should take one extra person so each of us can be on one side of the stage, is that ok?" Ashton smiled and pulled me away from Calum and gave me a hug. "I'm so proud of you." He muttered whilst kissing the top of my head, I smiled. "Thanks Dad."

We were in just one car. For back up I brought Tommy, he looks exactly like Danny it's scary. Anyway, so Tommy and I are in the front, I'm driving Tommy's in the passenger seat and then Calum, Michael and dad are in the back whilst Luke is in the boot. They were all talking about how awesome the concerts going to be tonight and just the thought of them smiling made me smile. "So how's Amy?" I ask Tommy. "Oh she's good, doing pretty well for a pregnant woman." I sighed.

"I'm really happy for you two, you've had so much shit in your life and to be happy now is unbelievable." Tommy smiled and grabbed my hand. "Thanks Abby." As we kept talking I noticed there was a car that was following us. "Hey Tommy? Do you know that car?" Tommy turned around in his seat. "Ash can you just duck down for a second?" Ash nodded and ducked down. "Oh shit!" Tommy shouted. "What?" I questioned whilst glancing at him for a short moment of time. "It's Sandy, my crazy ex girlfriend." I groaned. "That bitch? You've got to be kidding me."

"Bad thing is, she's an agent." I looked at him confused. "What's bad about that?" I asked him, Tommy sighed heavily. "She's an agent for the other side." I was shocked. "But she was so sweet!" I said trying to figure everything out. "Yea and she's here to kill the guys." I groaned. "That's not happening." And just like that Sandy moved her car so we were side by side. "Tommy!" I shouted, nerves starting to get to me, I've never been that great of a driver. "Guys hang on!" He shouted as Sandy drove her car into the side of ours.

I squealed slightly and drove into her car which made her go off course. I sighed with relief as did everyone else in the car. "You guys ok?" I ask turning around to see the guys all terrified. "Y-yea." Calum stuttered out. I turned back to face the road and started driving again only to met by Sandy's car. Second by second she rammed her car into the side of ours. "Tommy take the wheel!" I shouted as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I faintly saw Tommy nod his head and I lowered the window. "Abby what are you doing?!" Ashton shouted. "Saving your lives!" I shouted back. I slowly climbed out of my seat and out of the window as Tommy took the wheel. "Abby what are you doing?!" Tommy shouted. "Just drive!" I responded with.

I climbed ontop of the car and reached out for the top of Sandy's car, when she realised what I was doing she moved her car away from the guys and I went flying into the side of her car. I groaned but then she drove back into the guys car and I got caught, bit badly but I was still able to move. When she moved the car again I climbed ontop of her car and hung on.

I turned my head to the right and saw the guys watching me, worry on their faces. I slowly pulled myself up along the car until I was level with the front windscreen. I leaned over to the left and punched the passengers window which caused the glass to smash. I heard Sandy give a faint scream and I slid in through the window. Sandy started throwing punches whilst still driving the car, when I punched her hard in the head she lost all consciousness, I sighed with relief and faced the road. "ABBY LOOK OUT!" I heard, I realised what was in front of me and screamed.

Tommy's POV

Sandy kept driving into our car with Abby hanging off the side of hers causing her to get caught between the two cars. She's a fighter. She never goes down without getting a few scars. When Abby looked over at the guys, I couldn't help but feel scared for her. She wouldn't smile and she wouldn't show any signs of everything's going to be ok. She managed to get inside the car and she and Sandy fought. I don't know what happened to Sandy and I don't really care, but I slammed my foot down on the breaks and shouted. "ABBY LOOK OUT!" I was too late though. The car Abby and Sandy were in, went off of a cliff. The guys started screaming in the back and I turned to face Ashton, he was crying a river. I felt so bad for him. I got out of the car then locked it and walked over to the cliff. I looked down and I broke into tears. The car was in flames, the car was shredded, Sandy was dead. Abby was dead.

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