Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Abby's POV

It's been fifteen minutes and I'm still crying. Ashton and Libby hadn't shown up yet with my food but Michael hasn't left my side. In fact, he hasn't let go of my hand which just makes me smile. I don't know why but Michael makes me feel nervous, whenever I'm around him I feel like I'm on cloud nine. I would tell him how I feel, but I'm scared he won't feel the same way. As time went by, I kept snuggling up to Michael whenever I was feeling cold, he would always chuckle at me which made me smile even more.

Eventually, Ashton and Libby walked back in with my Fish and Chips making me sit up with excitement, but I immediately fell back due to the pain shooting through my body. Michael rubbed his hand around my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "How do you want to eat this Abby?" He whispered to me, loud enough for the others to hear, I shrugged my shoulders. "I just want my goddamn fish and chips." I whined making everyone laugh.

Michael and Luke helped me sit up and held me up so when I was eating I wouldn't be able to choke. Well, not as easily. Ashton sat in front of me and fed me considering I could no longer feel any part of my body. As I was eating everyone was silent and Libby was looking at the ground, I held a finger up to Ashton and he stopped feeding me for a moment, I slightly smiled, I felt like a child. I removed the thought from my head and focuses on Libby.

"What's wrong?" I asked Libby, she looked up at me with guilt in her eyes. "It's my fault your here." She sobbed, I groaned. "Libby, how many times have I been in this hospital?" Libby shrugged her shoulders not wanting to look at me. "Girl, I've been in here so many times all the doctors and nurses know my name." That made Libby slightly chuckle. "You don't need to feel guilty. It's not your fault." Libby stood up, her face red. "But I could've stopped you from being here!" She shouted making everyone, but me, flinch.

"I tried to help you, but something happened and you couldn't hear my warning!" Now Libby was starting to sob. "Libby, don't blame yourself. Look at me, I'm alive aren't I?" Libby looked at me, she ran to the bed and tackled me into a hug. I hugged her back and felt her tears fall onto my arms. "Don't cry Libs, I'm safe. I'm alive." But that only made her cry harder. She eventually pulled away from me, she gave me one more glance before crying again and running out of the room.

I groaned and leaned my head on Luke's shoulder. "You ok?" I looked up at Luke. "I don't know." There was silence for a moment until I sighed and pulled the drip out of my arm, hissing in pain I sat up again. "Abby, what are you doing?" Ashton asked trying to push me back down onto the bed. I kept groaning in pain and Ashton removed his hand from me and I sat up again. "Mikey, can I wear your hoodie?"

The guys are exchanged confused glances as Michael gave me his hoodie. I put it on and did up the zip. "Luke, can I borrow your sunglasses?" Yet again, looks were exchanged before he handed them to me. I smirked to myself and convinced Ashton to get off of the bed, and just like that, I jumped off of the bed and ran to the door to be greeted by a doctor. "Oh sorry ma'am." The doctor said whilst moving out of my way, I nodded and walked past him. As I was by the enterance of the hospital I heard the same doctor that let me by start shouting something.

I couldn't really tell because by then I was out of the hospital and on my way to find where Libby had ran off to. I felt my phone vibrate in Michael's hoodie, I unzipped the pocket and saw that Libby was calling, I stopped and hid behind a tree. "Where the hell did you run off too?" I said, trying to remain calm but you could hear the anger in my voice. "I'm sorry, but I think you should cut the attitude before I hurt your friend." I heard something, preferably someone talking, then I heard a scream. "Let Libby go!" I shouted through clenched teeth.

All I got in response was a smirk, then I heard Libby scream again. "What the hell do you want from her?" I shouted, anger filling my body by the millisecond. "I want her dead." The voice said, my body shivered due to how cold he sounded. "Where are you?" He chuckled. "If I told you, there'd be no fun for me anymore." There was a moment silence. "You're going to have to find her yourself." Then, the line went dead. But the last thing I heard, was Libby screaming once again.

I decided to start heading home, I fumbled around on my phone, typing in the right persons contact, then there was multiple rings. "Ash, Libby's been kidnapped, meet me at home." Then I hung up and started running home. I had to make sure Libby was safe, she's like my mum, I can't loose her. As soon as I got home I noticed the car was there, they were already home. I ran straight into the house and up into Ashton's room, grabbing his computer then running into my room.

Once I logged on I noticed that the guys were all surrounding me. "It's going to be a long night." I said whilst sighing. Ashton wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "If you need anything, ask one of us and we'll help in any way we can." I smiled and faced them all. "Thanks you guys, it hasn't even been two days since you adopted me and I've already risked your lives." Luke chuckled and pecked her cheek. "It's nothing, like we said. Your job can save the world, we'll do anything and everything we can." I smiled and leaned back into Ashton.

"There's one thing you guys can do." Calum jumped up and crouched down in front of me. "Name it." I smiled. "I still haven't heard your music." Michael chuckled and Calum gave me a weird glance. "Yea, but we suck." I laughed and petted his head. "I'm sure that's not true." Luke smiled and walked out of the room and walked back in moments later carrying his phone and small speaker. "Can it not be on too loud please? I really need to concentrate." Luke nodded and put his phone next to the speaker before pressing a couple buttons and music started to be played.

After trying to figure out the voice of the man that took Libby I groaned and threw myself backwards on the bed, hands covering my face. "Anything we can do to help?" I shook my head and sat up. I stood up and walked over to my balcony doors and opened them so I could stand outside and have the breeze hit me. Moments later I ran back into the bedroom and jumped back onto the bed and grabbed the computer. "Someone get my phone." I ordered, I wasn't in the mood to be super polite, I had just thought of a way to find Libby.

Seconds later I heard someone run back into the room and my phone landed on the bed beside my legs. "Thanks." I said before grabbing my charger and hooking my phone up to the computer. "So what's the plan now?" Calum asked from behind. I smiled. "Well, first the voice recognition didn't work which means that the voice was a cover up. Now, I'm tracking the phone number." I turned around to face all the guys who were looking at me with proud faces. I shook my head and faced the computer again when it was about to come up with who really has Libby.

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