chapter 16.25?

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Just a little sneak peak I guess. I'm sorry. I just have no motivation for this story anymore. But I'm gonna try my hardest to update more. But yeah co-author?

Guyyyyssss why didn't you tell me that its been over a year since I last updated a chapter. :( I feel bad my lovies I'm currently on a plane right now.

I'm also thinking of asking someone to be a co-author so if you'd be interested in that lemme know.

~~~~Connor's point of view~~~~

It's been two weeks since what happened with me and Tyler. Do I regret it?
Yes. Majorly

Jc is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't believe I jeopardized it.

I just hope Alfie keeps his word and doesn't tell anyone. It would ruin me if jc found out I don't even know what I'd do. I'd honestly just give up.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" Jc comes in and sits next to me

"Nothing much, just thinking."

"About what?"

"Life, what if we moved?"

"I'd love that so much Jc."

And with that the two of them start looking for a house away from the old o2l house. Eventually they moved out and into their own place.

I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyWhere stories live. Discover now