Chapter 14 part A

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~~~~third person point of view~~~~

As Connor and Jc were getting ready for the party tonight they could hear Tyler and Troye yelling at each other. It has been no secret that ever since Troye has announced his first album things between them have heated up.

"Hey Connor does this outfit make me look fat?" Jc asked Connor

"No, babe you look perfect as always."

"Awe, you're so sweet dear."

"I can't wait to dance with you tonight. Maybe later we could finally have our first time." Connor asked with hope in his eyes. Ever since they had that thing at the O2L house before they left they haven't been sexually involved and it was both starting to get to them.

"Yeah, babe. As long as we're not drunk."

"Yay!" Connor squealed with glee.

During the talk upstairs between Jc and Connor. Alfie, Marcus, Tyler, Troye, Dan, Phil, and Zoe where all waiting for them.

"Ugh why can't they hurry up already."

Zoe whined.

"There probably fucking." Tyler says casually.

"No I doubt it, I mean who would even bottom?" Troye asked.

"Troye nobody asked for your comment." Dan said.

"How about we all shut up and mind our own business." Alfie says rolling his eyes.

"True but I just wonder who bottoms?" Troye says.

"Yeah I'm starting to wonder also." Marcus says.

"Lets ask them!" Phil says excitedly.

"Okay! Phil." Tyler says.

Before they know it Jc and Connor walked down the stairs both looking good. As soon as they fully got in the kitchen they were bam-bordered with the same question.

"WHO TOPS!?" Marcus yells the loudest. Jc and Connor blush slightly.

Once everything has calmed down. They looked at each other and shared a look. Connor was the one that spoke up first.

"Ummmm well you see we haven't gotten that far yet."

"HAHAHAHA very funny. But seriously who tops?" Dan says.

"We haven't gotten that far yet."

"Anyway, lets head to the party." Zoe says helping out the boys.

And with that they left for the party.

Hey guys Haley here. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. Yes this chapter is short but there's gonna be a part two. It's also really really really really really late. And I have no excuses.

But a couple things:

One; I started going to laurel oaks. It's a graduate school for junior and seniors. Anyway, we have to write a 600 word narrative and I wrote 144 before we had to turn it in cause I was sick and my teacher said it was so good that she's gonna give me until next week to finish it. I'm not that good but if y'all's wanna read it you can comment. And I'll post it.

Two; I got a boyfriend. Yep. Our two month anniversary is on the 20th. He's the best. I love him so much.

Three; I have recently moved, and we have no wifi yes I know killer but it's got me thinking of how much I've missed writing this story and I plan on starting it back up.

I also had help with both parts of this chapter so once I find her username (sorry!) I'd appreciate it if y'all's would go and check out her story it's really good.

I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyWhere stories live. Discover now