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Hey guys. So I guess I should start explaining on why I haven't updated lately. But I doubt any if y'all's will read it. But just in case you do. I'm sorry.

So, here lately with all this pressure on me I've noticed that I feel unwanted in my own home. The other day, I did the dishes because I wanted to do something nice for my aunt. So she came out and was like oh that's nice. And I was proud of myself. But no that didn't last long because not even ten minutes later I heard the water running in their she was doing all the dishes I had jut done saying how shitty I am at it. So yeah. That was that day. Then yesterday my other aunt was talking and in like 'hey, I got the highest score on my history test outta the entire school. It was an 92% ' her reply why didn't you get a 100%. So yeah. Then they always put me down and treat me like shit and I hate it. They'll tell me that I can't do this or have this. And they do it all behind my stepdads back so he won't know.

I know that's not really a good reason but I've had exams and my cousin moved in and he went nuts then moved out and my other cousin moved in and I'm just so done. And today my best friend moved away today and of course I realized that today I love him. Like hardcore in love with him.

I legit want to kill myself because the person I love moved away I don't feel feel welcome in my own Home. And I'm just done.

I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyWhere stories live. Discover now