Chaper 10

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Hey guys sorry for the long awaited chapter. By here it is. Hope you like it.

~~~~~ Connors point of view ~~~~~

"Hey babe." Kian says as he walks over to me.

"Hey, Kian. What's up?" I still don't call him babe. After what he did to Jc he's lucky I can even look at him. Speaking of Jc he was rushed to the hospital. I'm not aloud to see him because Kian thinks ill kiss him. Which probably would happen. I don't know but ever since we had that almost kiss two weeks ago it's all I've thought about.

"Connor! Fucking listen to me!" I turn my head to find Kian looking at me with a very pissed of look. Oh god. This is not good.

"I-I am listening K-Kian."

"I highly doubt that. You were thinking of Justin weren't you. You little slut! You're fucking with me now not that little pathetic excuse for a human! I'm glad I put him in the hospital."

I gasp. Why? No. Who would be so mean enough to say they're happy that put someone in the hospital. What is happening to O2L? either they don't hang out with us or they're all douche bags and like to hurt people. I miss Sam and Trevor and the old Ricky an Kian. And most importantly I miss Jc. And I wanna see him again. So I shall even if I have to go though some pain.

"No, Kian I wasn't thinking about Justin. But I am now. You are a major douche bag and I hate you. I will go see Jc and I will tell him how I feel and I don't care what you say to me."

I get up and walk towards the door. Turning back to see Kian looking stunned.

"Oh and by the way, ill never love you. It'll always be Jc."

And with that I left. I walked out of the house and into my car. I'm gonna go see Jc and tell him how I feel.

*le skipping drive cause I'm lazy like that*

As I arrived at the hospital I went up to the reception desk.

"Excuse me miss do you know what room Jc Caylen is staying in?"

"Jc Caylen? Nothing in my computer about a Jc Caylen any other names?"

"Ummmm how about Justin Caylen?"

"Ahhh yes a Justin Caylen it says here that he was checked out earlier this morning by a Marcus Butler and a Tyler Oakley."

"Okay, thank you."

Dammit. Now I have to go and find him. I can check Tyler's house but then again I can call Marcus and see if he's at his hotel room. I think I'll go to Tyler's first. While driving to Tyler's house it started to rain. Damn California weather. I pull up to Tyler's house. It looks like they might be here. I get out of the car and walk up to the door and I ring the door bell. A few seconds later Marcus opens the door and pulls me in.

"Connor, what are you doing here?"
He says this in a hushed tone like he doesn't want anybody to know that I'm here. I wouldn't blame them I mean I have hurt Jc a lot.

"What do you mean I'm looking for Jc." I say also in a hushed voice.

"Connor, Tyler and Troye don't want you here. They keep talking about how they want to hurt you for hurting Jc.
And Jc overheard them and ran. And we can't find him anywhere."

"Jc's missing!?!?!"

"Connor, shhhhh"



I hear Tyler and Troye walking down the stairs (A/N I have no idea if Tyler has a two story house or what so lets just pretend I know) Troye sees me hiding behind Marcus and he charges at me. I get knocked down to the
Floor and pinned to the ground.

I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyWhere stories live. Discover now