Chapter 11

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Hey guys. Sorry about the rant. I just had to get it off my chest. And here's once a gain the long awaited chapter 11. Hope you guys enjoy.

~~~~~~Tyler's point of view~~~~~~

"Where in the hell are they? It's been two hours. And they're still not here."

"Tyler, love, calm down. There'll be back."

Just as Marcus said that. Connor came in with Jc riding on his back. Both of them soaked. Jc then jumped down and started cuddling into Connor.

"Connor, where the hell have you been? We've been fucking worried sick. I thought you filing killed Jc! I was gonna call the cops you have no idea how worried I was. Don't ever do that again!" Tyler said while slapping Connor on the arm repeatedly.

"Okay, okay no stop hitting me! Not my fault that it took me forever to find him." I look at Jc. He's suing with the hem of my sweatshirt looking so utterly adorable and zoned out like he's thinking of something. I just wanna grab him and kiss his face off. Oh that's just a tiny bit awkward.

"Fine ill stop, but only of you tell me why he's being so cuddly with you?" Tyler says. I gulp and look at Jc. As I was about to say something Jc beats me too it.

"Well you see I was tired being in love with Connor and knowing that he'll never love me back so I was gonna stop doing YouTube and move back to Texas and I was going to walk to the airport and buy me a ticket to Texas and just never come back. But then it started to rain and I was thinking that I'm far enough from you guys that you guys won't be able to find me so I decided to sit but then Connor came and found me and we kissed and we confessed our love and we kissed again an don't be mad because I love him and I swear you hurt him ill have to hurt you. So please because I love him and he loves me and I promise if he hurts me that you can hurt me but that's the only time you can touch him okay." Jc finished. Damn that was a lot of talking from such a little person.

"Awe okay little Justin I promise I won't hurt him." Tyler says. Okay phew that's a relief. He may look like he's not fierce but he can pack a punch.

"Alright. Now me and Connor are gonna go home well see you guys tomorrow." Damn since when did he become so dominant. It's kinda hot.

"But what if we want you guys to stay."

"Well I just wanna go home and cuddle with Connor. I just want some jonner time."

"Alright but if you guys aren't here tomorrow we are gonna come to the O2L house and drag you out if your bed naked or not and bring you here."

"Okay we promise we will be here. Don't have a cow."

"Alright. We'll see you you guys tomorrow."

With that Jc and I walk out of Tyler's house. God I can't believe he's mine. It's just so exciting. And I know I'm gonna treat him like an angel. He my prince.

During the car ride back home I kept thinking about Jc being all manly and he kept touching my leg as I was driving.

"Jc stop touching my leg."

"Okay, if you insist." He suddenly started to rub my leg. I'm not gonna lie. It's getting kinda hot in here. I can't wait till we get home.

~~~~ 3rd persons point of view ~~~~

As Jc and Connor arrived back at the O2L house. Nobody was home. They ran up stairs to Connors room and got down to business. Jc took of his shirt and laid down on the bed. With Connor following right after. As Connor laid on Jc he reached over and grabbed the remote control off of the night stand. Connor then turned on the television and A Walk To Remember came on.

I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora