Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Sorry for the lateness with this chapter. The authors note explains why. But I've had my family and friends with me. So yeah. Here goes.

By the way listen to Waiting For Superman by daughtry. It's a really good song.

~~~~~ Ricky's point of view ~~~~~~

I'm so happy that Connor told me about his feelings for Jc. It makes me feel like I'm truly his best friend. Thy he trusts me with this. "Connor, what made you realize you like Jc?"

"What is there to like about Jc, Ricky. He's perfect like extremely perfect. I mean the way he wears his hair and all the hats he has. And how you never see him without one. The way he smiles. And his chubby cheeks. God I love those Ricky. You have no idea. I live the fact that his middle name is Cloud. Like how adorable is that." (A/N I actually love this about Jc and so much more) I smile he really does like Jc. Awe! That's so cute. "Connor, I'm glad you trusted me with this. I'll help you get him. I just I have a feeling he likes you too." "Really, Ricky please don't play games with me." "I'm positive." Connor starts waving his arms around screaming for glee. I shake my head and leave just to walk into Andrea. When did she get here? oh well.

~~~~~~ Tyler's point of view ~~~~~

I'm honestly shocked that Jc would come and tell me his feelings for Connor. I've even thought of a ship name for them. Jonnor. How cute is that name. I kinda feel bad for Jc though. Liking someone that doesn't like you back. Unrequited love. That's the worst kind. "Hey Justin, what if you you tried to make him jealous?" "What do you mean? Conor wouldn't get jealous of me." "You never know he could have feelings and just don't know it yet and making him jealous would bring out those feelings."

"Alright I'll do it. But who can I make him jealous with?" "What about Lia? I mean you guys are pretty close why not her?" "Alright it could work but id have to tell her though I don't want her to think I'm using her, well I kinda am, but not like she'll think I am." Good lets hope this works.

~~~~~ Jc's point if view ~~~~~~

I walk out of Tyler's house thinking about the jealously thing. I'm tempted to do it but I don't know. I think ill do it.

Lia italics. Jc bold.

Hey Lia

Oh hey Justin what's up

Not much I just gotta ask you a huge favor it's okay if you don't wanna do it.

Depends in what it is.

Do you wanna help me make someone jealous. Like pretend to date me to make them jealous. Again it s okay if you don't want to.

Okay I'll help you make Connor jealous.

Wait, how did you know I like Connor.

Trust me, I know. I've knew for awhile. But I'll do it. Well start when we go to Hawaii.

Alright see you there.

Bye Justin.

Bye Lia. And thank you so much.

No problem. bye.


Alright now that that's settled. I hope Connor won't get to mad at me. And how did she know I like Connor am I that readable. Sigh. Oh we'll I suppose it'll be alright.


Hey guys. It's me again. I just wanna say not hate to Jia I'm not a bug fan of them but as long as Jc's happy I'm happy.

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I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyWhere stories live. Discover now