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Hey guys haley here. So no this is not a chapter but I was working on one. Keyword was. So here I was on my iPod updating this story. An my best friend texted me sayin that she was gonna move back (she moved to Cali because her bf broke up with her) and I was all excited to get my best friend back but then she told me that the only reason he's moving back is so she can try to get him back. Like no. Then I stop texting her because why bother of she's not even gonna be moving back to be with her friends just her ex that broke up with her. Then she continues to blow up my phone asking if I've seen him with anybody. That she doesn't care she just wants to know if he's over her.

Okay, okay.

Fuckin no. You just said that you wanted him back and an hour later you wanna see if he's over you.

I mean fuck shut up. She is a bitch. She and him had sex a week after they started dating. He broke up with her because that's all she fucking wanted. Then moved. Which was really hard for me. She pisses me off. Then she was like 'haley fucking text him or I won't be you're friend'

Okay, o fucking k.

You're gonna stop being my friend because I didn't text you're ex bf. so I stopped talking to her. Then the next god damn day she texts me saying that she found someone new. Like that fuck. I'm so fucking pissed. God I just I've lost my best friend and I'm moving. At then end if the school yeah. But, hey at least I still have you guys

I also wanna apologize to anyone that found this offensive. I'm just so fucking pissed.

I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyWhere stories live. Discover now