Chapter 9

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Sorry guys but ive had major writers block. But I'm back. Hopefully.

~~~~~Jc's point of view~~~~~~

I spent the night last night at a hotel. I didn't want anyone to see me crying and so upset so I spent the night at a hotel. I am still laying down on my bed thinking about everything and anything.

Will I ever be good enough?

Why did Ricky hit Connor?

Why doesn't Connor want me?

Will he ever love me?

Will I be able to face him again?

Those thoughts and more or the recent things I've thought about. I mean I just don't understand I love him but I can't face him anymore. I can't face anything. I'm running from my fears. I just can't face them. I'm a coward. A coward that'll never get the person he wants because he's so scared. I'm that scared person. I want to be with him but I can't. Maybe if I vlog it'll help. Yeah that's what I'll do. I pick up my phone and walk out of the hotel. Don't worry I paid last night. I started to walk towards Tyler's house.

When I get there, I pick up my stuff behind the bush surprised that its still there and walk in. I see Tyler, Troye, Joey, and all of the O2L members except Connor there. I raise an eyebrow but before I can open my mouth to talk I'm blown away with all the questions shouted at me.

"Where the hell were you?"

"We've been worried sick!"

"You're never aloud out of our sight again!"

"I was about to call the cops!"

"Justin cloud Caylen you are soo grounded."

"Woah, guys what are you taking about?"


"wait... what? I just went to spend the night at a hotel cause I was tired." Yeah tired of not being loved.

"You could have stayed here."

"Yeah, or stayed at the house."

"Umm, actually I need to go back there. I wanna vlog. And my cameras there."

"Woah. Don't be changing the subject."

"There's nothing to be changed. I promise for now on ill call you."

"Yeah and when we call you better pick up the phone."

"Okay, I will."

"Alright. You better. You're grounded though for a week."

"Whatever ill be back."

"Alright you better."

"Oh, real quick where's Connor?"

"We haven't been able to get him out if his room since yesterday. He's locked it and everything."

I shake my head of course. So much went on yesterday for him. I'm not surprised. I wave them off as the start talking to each other. I walk out of the door and head towards the O2L house. I walk into the house and walk into my bedroom. I look all around for my camera. But I can't seem to find it. Hmmmm I guess I'll see if Connor knows where it is. I walk up to his room and knock on the door. I hear a tiny go away.

"Connor, come on let me in."

"Jc? is that you?"

"Yeah Connor now let me in."

I hear a click noise and Connor is there. Eyes looking bloodshot. And in sweats and is that my sweater.

"Have you ummm have you seen my camera? I kinda wanna vlog."

"Oh, umm yeah I think it's in here. I was using it the other day. Just lemme get it."


I feel like this is a first awkward accouter. He just looks so cute. All small and fragile. It's adorable. I can't help but take a step forward. And watch him closely as he gets my camera. He gets up and hands me the camera. But I don't pay attention. I just look into his eyes. And I feel myself getting lost in them. I feel myself lean in closer. And I think to myself. I can't hold back my feelings anymore. I have to kiss him. His lips look perfect. And slightly wet from the licking his lips. He starts to bite his lip. Leaning in also. Just as there's only an inch in between us I get shoved off of him and slapped in the face. Da fuck? I look up to see Kian on top of me looking pissed.

"Kian! What the fuck are you doing?! Get off of me!"

"No. You're such an asshole Jc. Everybody knew that I love Connor and you just come in and try to swoop him up off his feet no. If I can't have him no one can."

What? he loves Connor do. I look over to see Connor in tears. Only to be slapped in the face again.

"Stop slapping me!"

"Stop looking at Connor then."

Just then I hear Ricky and Tyler come up the stairs. Tyler immediately sees Connor crying and runs to him. Holding him. While Ricky tries to get Kian off of me.

"Jc you're such a control I hate you!"

"Kian stop! get off him." Soon the rest of O2L are trying to get him off of me. The next thing I know is Kian has his hands wrapped around my neck blocking the oxygen. I soon start to feel lightheaded.

The next thing I hear is a shout coming from Connor that makes my heart break."

"Kian I love you okay! now stop!"

And then suddenly I can breathe. But I don't to. I want him to put his hands back on me. And kill me. I see Tyler giving me a sad look. But it's fine. Kian gives me one last look and slaps me in the face on last time. Before getting up and kissing Connor. I soon pass out from the oxygen not getting to my brain.

~~~~ Connor's point of view ~~~~~~

I don't love Kian I love Jc. We were so close to kissing. And he had to ruin it. And then he almost kills him. I had to do the only thing I could. I had to give him what he wanted. Even if that means I won't be with the one I love. Kian takes me out of the room after he kisses me against force. I don't want to. But as soon as we leave I see Jc go limp.

I know now that I can never be happy no matter how hard I try.

Hey guys haley here. So I'm sorry I haven't updated and shit. I've been on youtube. Watching my new bae. Marcus butler. His bum is just so cute. I hope you like this chapter it is 2 am here and I wrote it all with out my glasses. But I hope you like it.

And really over 300 reads and over 30 votes. Guys I feel really damn special.

I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें