Chapter 6

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Sorry I've been having a hectic week and I just I don't know anymore. I confessed to my best friend that I liked her and she completely ignored me. Still is. Anyway sorry if this chapter is utterly shitty I apologize now.

~~~~~~~ Jc's point of view ~~~~~~~

I can't believe it. I honestly can't. One moment I think he likes me and the next he's making our with Ricky. I don't I don't know what to do. I feel so heartbroken. I run back into my room finding it empty. I see wishbone on the bed and cuddle up to him. I just I don't know how to feel right now. Have you ever just loved someone and you think you have a chance but they turn around and break your heart? I need Tyler. I grab my phone and call him hopefully he isn't busy.

After three rings he picks up the phone, "Justin, hey."

"Tyler, can can I come over?"

I'm shaking. Holding back my sobs.

"OMG Justin what's wrong if course you can come over."

"Okay, Tyler ill be there in a few."

I grab my keys and head out the door I see Ricky. God I envy him. Why did he kiss Connor why? As I start my car and pull out of the drive way. The tears start to fall. God, I'm so pathetic crying over someone who liked my best friend. As soon as I pull into Tyler driveway. I shut off my car and run into his house seeing him on the couch. He looks up and as soon as he sees me crying he stands up and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him and I start to sob on his shoulder my tears soaking threw his t-shirt. He rubs my back soothingly.

"Tyler, I saw him kissing Ricky." After I say that I just full on sob. I just don't know what to do.

~~~~~~ Tyler's point of view ~~~~~~

Why? Why Ricky why? It pains me to see Jc hurt. God it really does. He's now laying down on my lap asleep. God it just why? My phones rings. It says it's Ricky. Damn, I have to answer it.

"Hey, Ricky"

"Oh my god Tyler! have you seen Justin. We can't find him and I'm starting to worry."

"Ricky, calm down. He's here with me." "Oh thank god ill come and pick him up." "Ricky, that's not needed he's perfectly fine here. When he wants to come home he can." "oh okay. I'll talk to you later then" "yeah bye Ricky." I hang up before he can say anything. The nerve of that guy. Honestly, he makes me so mad.

I look down at Jc. His face tear stained. I just feel so bad for the little guy. Honestly. I run my fingers threw his hair thinking of ways to help him get over this heartbreak.

~~~~~~ Ricky's point of view ~~~~~

Why? why did I have to kiss him. I honestly do t know what came over me. I mean I like girls. Right? yeah. I just I felt bad for him and I just got lost in his eyes and I just I don't know what happened. Kissing him wasn't that bad. It really wasn't. Damn idk anymore. I guess maybe I do like Connor a little bit. And maybe he'll learn to like me. For his sake. I mean I honestly don't want him heartbroken knowing he can't have Jc. Maybe I can help him. Yeah I'll try to do that.

I walk up to his door and knock on it.

"Come in."

As soon as I walk in Connor is huddled in blankets with tears rolling down his face. "Awe, Connor come here buddy." He hesitates at first. But then comes to me and nuzzles his head in my neck. Awe he's so cute. I slowly walk over to the bed and I lay in it and i bring him with me. I rub his back soothingly and he calms down a little. He looks up at me with those big eyes of his and I can't help but to want to kiss him. I look at his lips leaning in when he beats me to it. I feel his lips on mine and I love the feeling of it. I pull back and run my fingers threw his hair. "Connor, are you okay?" I ask him "yeah Ricky I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "yeah just stay here with me, please?" he begs. "Yeah anything for you."

~~~~ Connor's point of view ~~~~~~

I feel so drained. I'm glad I have Ricky here with me. Maybe I can learn to like him. Yeah do that. And with that thought I drift of to sleep cuddled up with Ricky.

OMG guys this is so late. And I'm sorry. I've just been sick and OGTS were last week and I'm sorry. I know this chapter was shit but give me feedback?

I Fell For My Co-youtuber. A Jc Caylen and Connor Franta love storyWhere stories live. Discover now