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It was saturday.

Hoshi sat with Woozi all night till early that morning, not bothering to go to sleep.

He thought about asking why Woozi would do such a thing, or if Woozi even thought about how he felt.

Only him, Woozi's mom, and Mingyu knew. Mingyu and Hoshi had gone looking for Woozi and the only place Woozi could think he could be last, was where Woozi went with him on their first date.

Hoshi wanted to make sure he showered Woozi with warmth and love so Woozi would never do anything like that again.

Hoshi heard a knock on the door as Woozi's mom walked in, a sad smile on her face. She gave him a small note.

You can spend the night here. I'll get you some clothes.

He looked up at her, and bowed,"Thank-you, " he said.

She got him a shirt and sweatpants that looked too big for Woozi, but smaller then all the clothes in his closet.

He took a quick shower, and slipped on the clothes before staying beside Woozi who was sleeping peacefully.

Hoshi perked up in his spot on the edge of Woozi's bed, as Woozi began to stir in his sleep. He opened his eyes slowly and Hoshi bit his lip, not knowing what to say.

"I'm so glad you're okay. . ." Hoshi whispered pulling Woozi into a warm hug.

Woozi said nothing, and bit his lip to hold back his tears as he wrapped his arms around Hoshi's torso.

". . .why? "Was all Hoshi could say. He removed his arms from around Woozi and looked at him. Woozi avoided his gaze, ashamed.

"I'm sorry. . ."Woozi said, quickly wiping his face.

"Did you not think about me?" Hoshi, asked, a tear falling from his eye.

Woozi whipped Hoshi's face with his sleeves,"no. . .Hoshi. I didn't think about you. . .I just. . .I was scared. I felt like I couldn't take it, and I didn't think tha-, "

"You didn't think I'd mourn over you if you'd be gone?"Hoshi yelled, frustrated.

"I love you, so how would I not?" Hoshi ask, his voice getting softer.

"I'm sorry. . ."Woozi said, looking down as he played with his fingers, his tears falling on his comforter.

". . .dont do anything like that again. Not only for your mom, Mingyu, and me, but you too," Hoshi said wrapping his arms around Woozi's shoulders. He placed his lips on Woozi's forehead, letting his lips linger for a while.

Woozi hugged Hoshi's torso tightly, "I. . .I love you too," Woozi said in a low voice, loud enough for Hoshi to hear.

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