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It's a school day today and we're all in Wizard class, I'm sitting next to Dignity, she's my best friend. I've been at Northridge school for creatures and witches for 2 years now, I still have 1 year left . Back to  Dignity, she's really strong, she's known as a ' matter' which means she gains strength each and everyday but it isn't visible. Oh and Destiny, she's an ANGEL, literally, she's got wings, she is supposed to be from above but nobody here's religious so, we honestly have no idea what to think about her heritage. Oh and then there's Devlin and Devil, they're both twins and they're Devils. They're THE trouble makers at Northridge, no idea how they got into this school. And last but definitely not least, there is Marine she's a mermaid, or a siren, she isn't evil if anything she is too innocent. Oh and I'm...  "Ms Evelyn, what is the answer to my question? Or let me guess you weren't paying attention!" Ms Boulevard yells at me waking me up, That's me Evelyn Star, smart, crazy and a warrior, oh and I can read people's minds, now where would I get the answer from? Aha Dignity, Your mind will give me the answer. I look at Dignity for 30 seconds and I instantly have the answer, "Ms Boulevard the answer to what happens when you and Polyjuice to Kink powder is an explosion which will harm anyone within 52 miles." I say smirking. Ms Boulevard hates my guts, and me. She probably forgot that if you ask me any question I will get it right! I'm that smart! (Or I'm a cheat! Sorry Ms Boulevard, but that's just me so get used to it.) She scowls and continues the lesson which I don't pay attention to. I could just read somebody's mind and I'll work it out.

Once the class is over I head over to lunch and usually after that I head back to my room, I share it with Dignity, Destiny and Marine. "Hello everyone!" I say as I reach our lunch table, Dignity is really fast so she got here before me. "Ugh why did you have to read MY mind?" Dignity asks, rather rudely. "Well because you were smart enough for me, how about next time I'll pick Destiny, Oh wait she doesn't take that class!" I say with a smug look on my face. She nods and zooms to get everyone's food. "Eww why in the name of hell, does it smell of fish here?" Devlin and Devil say in unison. "Sorry guys, my fin is hurting and I needed to bathe it before I turned back into my legs again." Marine says apologetically. "Why in hell would that be a good idea IN THE LUNCH ROOM?!" Devil says angrily. Marine begins to cry, she hates being told off, let's just say she didn't exactly have a great life back in the Atlantic Ocean. "Oh Shut up will you!" Devlin says before Marine wiped her tears away and switched back into her legs. Finally Dignity came back with our food and a guy's arm looped around her arm. "Hey everyone this is Derek, he's new here oh and Destiny he's an angel too." Dignity says whilst giving out our food. "Your only saying that cause your trying to set me up with a cute boy, he's been going here for 3 years Dignity!" Destiny replies angrily, OK she might be an angel but boy is she dangerous she is like a bomb ready to EXPLODE!! "Oi you Derek, go away you can't sit here you ain't one of us!" Devlin and Devil reply. "That's not very nice." I say, "Well nice isn't exactly in our blood! We're Devils what'd you expect? Oh here's a cupcake!" Devil says. "Ooh can I have a cupcake?" Marine asks innocently.

Damn this year is going to be fun.

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