Chapter 23

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We had come up with a plan, well they did, I couldn't think of anything. What's going on with me? I've never felt this way before. Strange.
The plan is to wait till sunset and most of the demons will have gone as some hate the darkness whilst others love it. Apparently. We'll kill each and every one of them and them and we did just that. Once we got back home I went straight to bed and fell asleep the minute I hit the pillow.
The next day, I woke up startled, I got up and pulled my hair into a bun, but something felt wrong. And then I realised... This isn't my house, this is my mum's house...
A/N Hey! Sorry it's short chapter, BUT recently my friend SofiaLilianaMartins, aka the queen! Told me, I should do a book full of my drawings at first I declined because I can't draw and second well y'know I didn't think anyone would care but... She convinced me so now I'm doing it. Inside that story will be lots of drawings you don't have to look at them if you don't wanna. I will be uploading every now and agin so not daily. As I'm terrible artist. Also I'm not completely obsessed with manga or anime so I'll get Sofia to teach me the ways of manga, and I'll pick up a book from the library. Bye my little cookies and I shall see you soon! Bye! Xx El

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