Chapter 32

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I've learnt so much about Luna this week, she loves to play the piano, occasionally sing and likes pulling pranks on people just like me! I haven't really hung out with Eman a lot but according to Luna he's really smart and abstract, he likes to paint and draw and he's usually really dirty when I see him, with paint all over him. I usually have to sit and watch Luna pick paint out of his hair. Mum's been strange all week she won't look Eman and Luna and me in the eye anymore I wonder what's up...




Of course I recognise Luna and Eman they're my kids a mother always knows her children, plus when I first met Glass we talked about baby names and he said Luna was a beautiful girls name and I said Eman was unique. But what I can't quite wrap my head around is why didn't he tell me the truth. Glass lied to me he told me our children were dead... I just don't understand...

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