Chapter 31

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My arms and legs are tied to the hard wooden chair, I catch glimpse of a silver stick with a wooden handle, oh a knife! I've never used one before not even in one of my pranks... Wait I'm a devil why don't I just burn through these? Damn it! There chains! Suddenly there was a tip tap and a knock, a scream echoes through out the walls of the room. The light flickered on as the darkness scattered away and a large man strolls in smirking. I notice he is dragging a girl across the floor, she has very bright blonde hair and  pale blue eyes  she gets up once the man tugs at her chains. She looks shorter than me but only by a couple of meters. He man made sure she was sat properly and chained her to the chair. I could tell easily that she was special...
"Hey." The girl said smiling.
"um hi." I reply.
"I'm Luna, I can turn invisible don't tell that guy though I'm going to escape soon." She says. Her blue eyes shinning.
"You look like that guy um what's his name?" I ask
"Glass? Oh he's pure evil." She mutters.
"Oh well I knew that, I'm Desiree, as you could probably tell I'm a devil." I reply.
"That's cool, you know you should meet my brother you two would get along, Lets go."she says, before I could reply she grabbed my hand and we were invisible.
"Woah." I whisper to her. She nods and I guide her towards my house.
"Wait here I need to get my brother." She puts a hand on my shoulder and I feel her duplicate my powers.
"Oh I can..." She starts but I interrupt.
"Duplicate other people's powers I can do that too, and read minds." I say.
She smiles she sprints off and within 2 minutes she is back holding a boys arm. Unlike his sister he had brown hair just like my mums hair. We walked in and I was immediately engulfed in hugs from my family obviously apart from Devlin who sat staring at me. Disbelief in her eyes.
Suddenly I found myself with my mum and Dad explaining my situation and how it involved Luna and her brother. My mum seemed quite worried and kept looking at Luna and then at her brother they seemed uncomfortable about that.
I showed them to their rooms as we had a lot of guest rooms.
"Oh I didn't introduce myself I'm, Eman, I'm a witch I share most of the same powers as Luna." Eman says whilst I lose myself in his pale blue eyes.
"Um I'm Desiree, The devil, I actually share the same powers as Luna too, coincidence heh?" I say smiling.
I like your um hair..." He says looking at his feet in embarrassment.
"Thanks," I say touching my wavy red hair.
He nods, he walks into his room and bids me goodnight.
I walk to my bedroom and sleep on the red side I wish I created a yellow side to the room because I'm extremely happy...

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