Chapter 30

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I would say I'm settled in well, I've got a room in the attic it's a little dusty but one of my cleaning spells did the trick, I caught hold of one of the maids at Northridge turns out she was very good at cleaning good thing I caught her powers. Mum and Dad have been so strange, Dad keeps putting his arms around Mum's waist but she pulls them off. Then they end up having an argument and that goes on for a week at the least the longest it's gone is a fortnight. I've been hanging out with Darcy and Duke quite a lot. Oh and I got to paint my room 2 colours! One side of my room is Red which means I'm happy since red is my favourite colour, and the other side green meaning I'm really angry. My double bed is centred in the middle of the room and If I go to bed sad I'll sleep on my green side vice versa. I'm not very good with explaining my feelings.

My auntie Devlin hates my guts I heard her and dad having an argument over me just yesterday and I'm not enjoying the awkwardness...
"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask whilst eating a spoonful of cereal.
"Don't talk with your mouth full!" Devlin yells.
"I'll eat how I like!" I reply furiously.
"I hate you because you cause Dignity to stay up in her room, for hell's sake you were a MISTAKE!" She yells. I instantly get up and walk upstairs, I begin to hear screaming and soon mum and dad and everyone else arrives and pushes me into the room. There lies a pale Dignity. Mum cries on dad's shoulder and I just storm right up to my room and sit on the green side of my attic room.  I make sure to lock my room so Darcy and Duke don't come storming in.

Couple of hours later

Suddenly there's a crash in the window and a somewhat transparent figure enters the room, he grabs my arm as I'm trying to get up and he pulls a sack over my head and hits me with his cane... Out Cold..... .... .. . . .. . .. . . ..

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