Chapter 18

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2 months later, Evelyn's point of view.

It's been 2 months since I have escaped, the schools been shut down. We've all gone into hiding, Justice and Dash head back to the school every now and again to see if Glass is back. I keep thinking for a while. I'm glad we all moved into a big human house just outside of the human town. I'm lucky I don't have parents... They'd kill me. 

"Hey you ok?" Devil asks putting an arm around my waist as I cook up something for us to eat.

"Get off me." I hiss at him.

"Ai I like em' feisty." Devil flirts.

"Don't you have more important things to do? Like brushing your teeth for once?" I say causing everyone in the room to snigger.

"What can I say the ladies like bad breath." Devil says chuckling.

All of the girls end up laughing so hard we end up on the ground.

??? POV

Ah memories ... That shall be destroyed... .. .. .. ..... .. ..

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