Chapter 6

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Once I wake up, Destiny tells us that there our new students that we should be aware of, as they have special powers, so I slip on a black tank top and some white shorts allowing my red hair to go frizzy after the bun I put it in last night. Once we all exit we all end up in the Great Hall, and we're among all our own classmates, but we're told to sit in certain places, so we get up and move but I notice my name is on a bench with nobody else. I just realised something! All the seats are in all of our powers, as in Destiny's over there sitting with the other Angels, Dignity's next to all of the tough guys, well they all look fairly normal, they're strength isn't visible, the twins, by the Devils, The Newbies at the front and me I'm the only one with this power so I guess I'm on my own, oh and there's Justice with the witches.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm just going to hop to it, these new students are pretty amazing and very unique so they've all come today to introduce themselves." The headmaster says before Cloudia stands up, her hand slipping right though the chair she was sitting on. "Hi everyone, um... I'm Cloudia, I'm a cloud and yeah." She says nervously before the next girl walks up. "HI! I'm Echo, and no I'm not an echo I'm the wind, I speak really loudly when I'm excited." Echo says, suddenly something pushes her away. "Hello I'm Glass, AND DON'T YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF IT!" He yells the end part and we nod, well I can't tell if it's a he... "I am a male, I can turn invisible." He says and turns back to himself, and half the girls in the room are gawking, I refuse to pay attention.

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