Chapter 17

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I've been here for weeks, I've lost count. I hope the guys have been looking for me. Glass comes in every hour with food even at night. He just leaves the room and I assume he spies on the school. I wish I could get out...
I'm still planning an escape, I managed to touch his arm before he left this morning and I can go invisible now, but I can't pick locks I can't burn down the door because it's made of metal. I managed to read his mind for a minute and he was thinking about a key. But I can't find it! UGH!

Devil's POV
We've got a plan, we found out where she's being kept and it's going to take a while to get her out but I've been watching her. Was pretty smart making the room invisible. Bad idea that I take an extra class of potions therefore I know a potion to make it visible. Also wasn't smart putting the room on top of the roof. That'll be hard to get her down safely.

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