Chapter 2

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After lunch we all went back to our dorms and we're now studying, well the other girls are I'm busy playing around with some paper I found in my drawer. Making paper planes and doodling. I like to draw different outfits then I cut up all my old clothes and make the new ones. It's recycling! "Evelyn you should be studying or else you'll fail your test!" Marine says whilst peeping out the top of her tank, yeah she sleeps in her fish tank. "No I can just read one of you guys' brains and I'll be fine I can just remember what you lot are doing!" I say smiling as she shakes her head disapprovingly. "You can't do that your whole life!" Dignity says emphasising the 'whole' "I can and I will." I say simply. Then I get up and enter my wardrobe and pull out old scarves and hats and other various items. I begin cutting them up and following my doodles. "Woah this ones better than the last one!" Dignity squeals. "Yeah this ones for you and the next ones for Marine." I say handing her the armour set and begin Marine's making sure she has space for her fin so she can where it underwater. When I'm finished Marine's I begin Destiny's which is a lot harder as I have to have a huge hole in the back for her wings.

I finished all of the outfits and it's 9:30pm and everyone is asleep apart from me, Marine's fast asleep in her massive tank beside our bunk beds. I'm at my sewing machine making my armour set now. We've had attacks before but they were nothing we didn't even need armour. I just used my bow, at the time, I'd only touched an archer so I am really good at archery, now I've touched Dignity,Marine and Destiny now so I've got there powers too. And I've probably touched a whole load of other people since then. Eventually I fall asleep, at my sewing table.

The next day I get ready and I head to my Housecleaning class, which is with one of my good friends Dash, and as her name states she is really fast. And I've grown to like her she can be a little annoying but hey! Do I really care I'm best friends with Devils I'm pretty sure that doesn't compare, to Dash! Housecleaning class is where you learn how to clean a house. Since most of our parents are either evil or good they tend to be really BUSY. That's why we're here we're all warriors that don't need parents to teach us how to be us. And I just realised I need guy friends! Yeah I really need to stop daydreaming about these random things or else I'm not going to make it anywhere...

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