Chapter 25

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How did I do all this?
"I apparently took everyone into the future, or something...?" I mutter to myself whilst putting a piece of toast into my mouth.
"You didn't take anyone into the future..." A voice says into my ear, it's warm breath tickling my ear.
"YOU..." I yell attempting to get Dignity's attention.
"They won't be able to hear you." Glass smirks.
"What have you done to my friends? What did I ever do to you?" I cry.
"You you stole my heart..." Glass stutters.
"What?" I ask confused
"You made me feel love when I needed to feel down, I tried to let you go but I couldn't. So I made you forget 20 years, so you didn't remember what happened to us..." He says tears filling up his eyes..
"Us?" I ask even more confused.
"Yes you and I,, started a future, but but I-I-I destroyed it, we had children and I went demon-warlock on them and I hurt them.." He said trembling.
"What about my friends?" I asked anxiously, staring at my stomach.
"They started up families too, even him..." He snarled as he pointed at Devil. My heart sank. He started a family? Without me,WAIT why do I care? It doesn't matter! I sigh and sit down again, I turn to look at Glass but he disappeared and everyone rushes to me asking me what happened. I explained everything apart from Devil starting a family.

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