Chapter 3

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Legends class now, ugh I hate school. "Why can't we have a class for warriors?" I ask the person next to me. He looks at me confused and says, "Oh sorry, I'm Justice, I'm a witch." I smile and shake his hand. Then we begin to concentrate on the class. Well not me, I just looked at this boy sitting on the other side of the room, as I was reading his mind and writing everything in his mind, well apart from the huge segment in his mind where he was falling for this girl in the front row. Creepy eh?

Suddenly the walls of our classroom started to shake along with the floors. Everyone ran out except for me and Justice. The whole school was screaming now. Soon Dignity,Destiny, Devlin and Devil were here. "Where's Marine?" I ask furiously as the entire school was screaming and it was annoying me. "We need to get to the courtyard fast, she's in the lake, she's killing them..." Destiny announced before Dash sprinted in with all our armour. We slipped it on and I finished Destiny's sentence. "The Demons?" I ask frightened. They all nodded. And I quickly ran outside alongside Dash.

Marine was shooting water at a pale skinned body which had armour on. I tried to help but I was far too slow, tears brimmed my eyes, as Marine screamed in pain. "EVELYN WATCH OUT!" Dignity screamed and she punched 5 demons behind me, but I wasn't paying attention. I was watching Marine, her body and fin were pale lifeless, no soul, her beautiful brown hair turned white, and her screaming in pain pained my mind, she was too innocent too young, why? I began to cry more and more, I stood there frozen still watching Marine's Soul-less body. Everyone else killed the demons and I did nothing... I felt guilty I hadn't helped...

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