Chapter 20

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I am awaken by the sound of kids giggling, Ah Darcy and Duke, beautiful children, Destiny's so lucky to have such sweet children...
A/N Yo, I know you guys are like what the heck? Where'd the kids come from? Destiny got kids? Where from? Who's the daddy? All will be revealed, in about 1 second.
Destiny and Justice had kids, Darcy and Duke, they are twins, and this chapter takes place 20 years later at the beginning of the story everyone was 15, schools over therefore if I know they'd all be 35 or whatever but I really don't care.. Sorry for mathematicians but I dislike maths so sorry guys but essentially in my story logic they're 20-25 years old. Evelyn isn't dating anyone and the demons are gone well for now. P.S Please check out my newest story, Spring Hope! BACK TO THE STORY! (Future El work on your maths!)
The demons are gone hopefully for good but I doubt it, everyone still lives in the house together except for Justice and Destiny who obviously live elsewhere. They've come to visit us. I quickly jump out of bed and get dressed into my black dress, it's Marine's Birthday today so we're going to visit her grave. I grabbed the flowers and joined everyone in the living room, we teleported to the graveyard, we said our prayers and put the flowers on the grave stone.
Suddenly the earth began to shake....
Not again... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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