Chapter 34

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Me and Luna usually sing together, but Luna's been messaging someone. It's strange she used to be giggling at her phone whilst she talked to whoever it is and now she just cries. And she keeps playing these really tragic songs on the piano in the front room. (A/N Guys during this time the year is like 2010 so phones exist whereas when Evelyn was at school they didn't exist or she didn't have one). I tried to talk to her but she had locked herself in her room and only comes out to, go pee, eat, and ask me for a phone charger. So I've been talking to Eman. And now I'm sitting still smiling whilst Eman paints a picture of me.
"Why's your mum letting us stay?" Eman asks
"No idea." I finish the conversation.
"I really like your mum she's very kind." He says smiling at me, his blue eyes seem to brighten when he smiles.
"That's because she's lost too many people..." I say wiping away a tear.
"Hey there's no need to cry I didn't mean to upset you." He says, he gets up and wraps an arm around me.
"I'm not crying Devils don't cry." I reply.
"I know that's why I didn't say you cried I simply meant you have a hay fever." He says smiling.
I giggle.
Suddenly my mums voice calls us downstairs.
"Coming" we both yell and run downstairs.

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