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-Jade's POV-

I woke up to a jolt, the bus must've gone over a bump in the road. I sat up and rubbed my eyes then looked around. There were a few more people on this bus, about five. I wondered if they were going to Perth like I was. I needed to ask someone where we were. There was a woman was sitting across from me. "Excuse me." I whispered to her.
She looked over at me, "Yes?"
"Do you know how mush longer the drive to Perth is?"
"I think this is it. You've been asleep since I've gotten on, that was two hours ago." The drive was four hours, so I was asleep longer.
I shrugged, "I'm pretty tired."
The bus came to a stop and everyone stood up to exit the bus. I held my backpack close to my chest and looked around as I got off. There was nothing here, a few shops is all but nothing more. You could tell it was early in the morning, the sun was barely rising. I wasn't sure where to go so I walked until I found this little neighbourhood. The street was silent and none of the houses had their front lights on, except this one house.
Quietly, I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again and looked over my shoulder. I wasn't going to knock again. I waited patiently and then I heard the locks unlock. A lady about mid-thirties, answered the door. "Yes, may I help you?" She asked.
She was blonde, reminded me of Emily. "Um, yes. I-I'm lost. And uh, I need a place to stay." I explained.
"Come on in." She said. I walked into the warm house and she closed the door behind me. "Dear you can have a seat here in the kitchen." I took off my backpack and sat down slowly. The woman left and I was sitting alone in the kitchen.
"What are you doing here?" I asked myself.
The woman soon came back, "Would you like something to eat or drink?" I shook my head and she sat across from me. "I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myse-"
"Okay, I'm out of bed. What was it that you wanted me to come and see?" A man asked coming into the kitchen.
"Dear, have a seat. This is my husband, Joshua." The woman said as he took a seat next to her. He waved at me, "I'm Kate."
I understood that they were waiting for me to introduce myself. I knew I couldn't give away my real name. "Scarlett. Scarlett Jacobs." I said quietly.
"What are you doing here Scarlett?"
"I uh, I ran away from my foster home." I lied.
Joshua sat up straight, "You ran away? But why?"
"I couldn't stay there much longer. The family was abusive and I needed to escape." They exchanged glances, "May I use the bathroom, please?"
"Down the hall on you're right." Kate said.
I stood up and walked over to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and shuffled over to the sink. The water came out cold as I washed my hands. I looked up at myself, my lip was cut and there was a bruise forming on my cheek from yesterday's fight. I shut off the water, dried my hands, and left the bathroom. I sat down in the kitchen and I heard a door open.
"Mason. Is that you?" Kate called.
"Yes mum, I'm awake." Someone called back.
"Come into the kitchen." A figure from the hall stepped into the kitchen. A boy, he was very tall. His hair was messy and his eyes were a faded green colour.
"Yeah?" He murmured.
"Mason, have a seat." Joshua said.
The boy sat down, "This is Scarlett. She's going to be staying with us for a while. Scarlett this is our son, Mason."
"It's nice to meet you." Mason told me.
I nodded shyly. "I'll be in my room." Once he left Kate went off to talk to him. I sat at the table alone with Joshua. "So where are you from. I mean where was your foster home?"
"That's four hours away, how did you..."
"I took a bus." I said.
"Well, welcome to Perth. You're free to start as much as you'd like."
"Thank you."
"But there are rules. As long as you're here you are to attend school. A Jewish school, I hope you're okay with that."
I nodded, "I'm not tied down to a religion so I don't mind."
"Eight is the curfew here and you tell Kate or myself if you are going anywhere."
"Where do I sleep?"
"We have a guest room right this way."
He showed me to my room and gave me a pair of sweats and a jumper. I think they were Mason's.
"Goodnight." He said before closing the door. I quickly changed into the clothes and lay underneath the covers. My mind was racing and my head was spinning. I pushed away the thoughts that were going through my mind. I still couldn't believe that I was out.

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