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-Jade's POV-

Tyde looked at me with a tear running down his cheek. "Alright." He whispered then headed for the door. It slammed right behind him and I began to cry. Two guards came in to take me back to my cell.
I walked down the hallway, barefooted, with years streaming down my cheeks. I regret everything I told Tyde in that visitation room. Everything. I just couldn't deal with seeing him look at me in such love even though I was a total monster. I got thrown into my cell and collapsed on my bed. I burried my face I a pillow and cried. I didn't care who saw or heard me, I was hurt.
Heartbreak was honestly the worst thing anyone could possibly go through. It was painful to realize that the person you love left your life. I began to think about my memories with Tyde again. It only made things worse.
I wanted to be in his arms listening to music or watching a movie. I wanted to feel safe again. The only thing that kept replaying in my mind was the day he introduced me to "Gasoline". I wanted to set my heart on fire, and the thing I did to Tyde was so fucked up. It was all for what? Nothing.

-Tydes POV-

I threw myself on the bed of the hotel room my mum and I were staying in while we were here in Albany. I rested my head on the pillow and began to cry. How could she say those things to me? She knew how I felt about her. I loved her and missed her.
I wanted to go back to the night I snuck into her house. Just the two of us cuddled up together in her bed. Somewhere we could both be ourselves and alone together in the middle of the night. I imagined her sleeping next to me now, her smile in the darkness and her messy hair on the pillow. I stretched my arm out where she would be.
I sat up and felt uneasy, I walked into the the bathroom and faced myself in the mirror. Gasoline then popped into my head. I turned on the water to wash myself clean. "Just set my heart on fire, like gasoline." Repeated in my head. I looked at myself in the mirror and began to sob as everything replayed in my mind.
The first day we met, the last time I kissed her, all of it. I just wanted it to go back to that. But I couldn't rewind time.

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