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-Scarlett's POV-

"So he just showed up at your door?" Brandon asked over the phone. Of course I told him what happened tonight. I needed to talk to someone about it.
I sat down in my bed and said, "Yeah pretty much."
"What did your parents say?"
"Nothing really. They said he was a pleasure."
"That's what you get for avoiding him."
"Oh shut up."
I heard him chuckle over the other end, "Well I've got to go. I'll talk to you later."
"Okay, bye Brandon." I hung up the phone and pluged it into charge. Luckily it was a Friday night so I could stay up late and not wake up early the next day.
I just sat in bed and didn't know what to do. It was around ten o'clock, I'm pretty sure everyone in the house was asleep. Well all except Mason, he went out with his friends.
I decided that I didn't want to be held in my room. I didn't escape jail for no reason. I put my shoes on, grabbed my phone, and a backpack. I tiptoed into the kitchen and grabbed Kates keys from the counter and walked out of the house. I don't know where I'm going but I'm down for anything.


I made it to a main street and walked in to a McDonald's to get something to eat. I didn't eat much at dinner and I was starving. After getting my order I walked some more. If I remember correctly, I'm not that far from the beach.
The walk wasn't all that long, I found a stairway that looked like it would crumble at any moment. The wood was falling apart and began to creak as I walked down them and made my way onto the beach. I sat on a towel I had in my bag and just let the breeze of the ocean engulf me. The air smelled fresh and clean. It made me forget about everything I had been through for a moment. But the moment was too short. I unboxed my chicken nuggets and dipped the first one I got in ranch dressing. I took a sip of my drink when I heard footsteps draw closer to me. I looked up and saw Tyde standing there.
"Hey Scarlett." He said.
"Hi Tyde." I said back. I didn't want to ignore him anymore. What was the point?
"Can I sit down?"
I nooded, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your friends?"
"Yeah, but I'm with one right now."
He looked over and smiled.
I raised my eyebrows and offered him some food. The both of us just sat there in the sand, eating and talking. Well he did most of the talking, I did the eating.
"What do you like to do Tyde? Other than make video's on YouTube." I asked.
"Well, I like to make music." He told me.
"You sing?"
Tyde shook his head, "Not really. But by making music I mean taking different beats and putting them together to make one amazing piece."
That sounded interesting and cool to me, "That's awesome."
"Yeah I love it. It's amazing!"
Tyde seemed to love his life. Loved his family, his friends, and his career. He had goals and dreams that he wanted to follow, which awed me. The only goal I've ever had is getting out of jail, and I achieved that. Well, somewhat.
"Let's go in the water." I said as I stood up. I felt ambitious at the moment.
Tyde stood up with me and smiled. We both took our shoes off and ran into the ocean.
The sand was beginning to get softer and softer as I got closer to the sea. The water was cold beneath my bare feet, but it felt nice and refreshing. Tyde and I were running around in the shallow water. Seaweeds and rocks were thrashing against my calves as we got in deeper and as the waves crashed. Tyde kicked water towards me, getting my torso wet. I laughed and splashed him with the water. "Stop!" He yelled through his chuckling.
"Make me!" I joked as I ran farther away from him. As I ran I saw nothing but the moon in the sky. A bright white circle in the darkness of the night.
I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I yelped and pushed Tyde off of me which only made me fall into the water. My mouth was then filled with water and sand. I couldn't stand up. I thought I was going to die but then I was reunited with fresh air. I gasped and coughed up the water in my mouth.
"Scarlett are you okay?" Tyde asked in panic. I nodded and shivered, "I'll get the towel.

-Tydes POV-

I grabbed the beach towel from where we were sitting and ran back to Scarlett. She didn't move from the place I had left her. Poor thing was shaking like a leaf when I returned. "Here don't worry." I wrapped the towel around her and held on to the ends that met at her chest. She looked up at me when I did this. We said nothing, then she wrapped her arms around me. Scarlett nudged her head into my shoulder. I hugged her back and rested my head on her shoulder.
"Thank you." I heard her whisper.


Scarlett and I sat on the sand as we dried off. The towel was being shared between the both of us. She held one end as I held the other. "I don't know if this is too soon to ask. Or too inappropriate but, what happened to your birth parents?" I asked.
She sighed, "When I was ten years old, my parents were killed in a car crash. They were coming home from a party. They were in the car, a big truck lost control, and it crashed into them."
I looked over at her, she looked over at me. "I'm so sorry Scarlett."
"Me too Tyde." She rested her head on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around her. "What's the point of living if you die anyway?" Scarlett whispered.
"I guess just so you have a grand story to tell once you make it to heaven." I said back.


I drove Scarlett back home from the beach. It was currently one in the morning, I had gone past curfew. "Thank you for tonight. I had a great time." I said.
"Wouldn't have been so if you didn't show up." She smiled.
"That was the happiest I've ever seen you."
"Because I was with someone that makes me happy." After that, she left and escaped into the darkness of the night.

-Scarlett's POV-

I walked into the house quietly and headed to my room. I grabbed a clean towel and stripped off my clothes before heading to the bathroom. The tile was freezing when I stepped into the bathroom. I turned the water on and waited for it to warm up. As I waited I just looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was still curly and wild. My brown eyes looked bright now and full of life. They were no longer full of fear and worry. The black eye was gone and there was a scar on my upper lip that was beginning to fade.
I took off my towel and studied my naked body. Mostly my rib cage where I had been kicked weeks ago. The bruises had gone from dark purple to a faded red. I was starting to regain colour there.
When I was done with the shower I went back to my room and got dressed. I put my hair into a braid and tucked myself into the sheets. I took my phone out and texted Tyde.
Me: thank you again. Good night :)


I woke up later than usual that morning. The smell of freshly cooked pancakes filled the air. I checked the time, 9 AM exactly. I rolled on my side and huddled into the covers of my bed. I closed my eyes and remembered last night, on that cold beach with Tyde.
I've only been to the beach once before that.


I ran into the water all by myself. "Jade! Don't swim out too far!" My mum called.
"I won't!" I yelled back. I began swimming around in the cold water. It felt nice because the day was hot and the sun was scorching over us. "Daddy! Aren't you going to come in?" I yelled.
"I'll be right there sweetie!" He said. He was talking to my mum. It looked like they were a little mad at eachother. "Just drop it!" I heard my mum say.
I stood up in the water and just watched them continue to argue. Soon I felt the sand at the bottom at my feet being dragged from under me. I began taking a step forward but the water pulled me in deeper and I tripped. I was under water and trying to swim up to the surface. Nothing happened. I got my head above water and yelped but then I went into the water again. My thoat was filled with sand and salt water.
I felt as if I wasn't going to escape until I felt someone grab me and pull me to shore. When I opened my eyes it was a life guard. "Are you okay?" He asked me.
I coughed up the water, sat up, and nodded. "Thank you sir." I said to him. I looked for my parents who were standing five meters away from me in awe.
Did they even try to save me? What if there wasn't a life guard on duty, would I have drowned and died? Would my dad have come to my rescue?

Flashback over

I took a breath of fresh air and sat up. That's why I freaked out when I got pushed into the water last night. I was so scared of drowning and no one being there to save me.

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