new years.

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-Scarlett's POV-

It's been three days since my date with Tyde. Brandon just left for a New Years Eve party the kids in band were throwing. Said he'd spend the night there for a couple of days and see me Monday morning for school.
It was around seven thirty and I was already getting ready for the party at the Mellets house. I put on a black cocktail dress Kate and lent to me just for tonight.
I put that on with a pair of black heels that I didn't know how to walk in yet. I was so used to sneakers. I pinned my hair back with bobby pins and let the curls fall. There's no use in styling it.
After I finished getting ready I walked out of my room and took a seat on the couch with Kate and Joshua.
"Wow, you look beautiful." Kate said.
I smiled, "Thank you."
"Who's taking you to the party again?"
"I think Mason, he said it's on the way to his party." They both nodded, "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?"
They weren't doing anything tonight, I think they just planned on staying home.
"No dear, go have fun. Enjoy yourself." Joshua said.
I walked over to the both of them and hugged them, "Thank you, so much."
"Scarlett are you ready to go?" Mason asked as he walked into the living room.
I got up and nodded, "Bye."
"Oh wait, here. Take this to the Mellets." Joshua handed me a bottle of champagne.
"Okay, I will. Bye."
"Bye, have fun!" Kate called as I walked out the door.


I walked up to Tyde's front door and rang the door bell. I held the champagne bottle in my hands and waited for someone to answer the door. The door opened, Troye was standing there. He smiled at me. "Scarlett! You made it." He gave me a hug, "Its so good to see you."
"It's's great to see you too Troye." He let go, "Champagne? My dad's gift to you guys I guess."
"That's so sweet, thank you. Come in."
I stepped inside and waited for Troye to come in. "Everyone's in the kitchen, but Tyde is upstairs. Do you want me to call him?"
I shook my head, "Thank you, but I'll just go up there after I say hi to your family."
I walked into the kitchen and said hi to everyone. Laurelle said I was early, that more people were coming over soon. After greeting everyone I walked upstairs to Tydes room.
When I got closer to his room I heard music playing. I peeked inside and saw him on his laptop jamming out. I smiled and knocked a little on the door. He quickly looked up at me. He smiled and stood up to walk over to me.
"Hi." I said, giving him a hug
He wrapped his hands around the small of my back and looked down at me and what I was wearing. "You look...gorgeous."
I smiled, "Thank you." I said in almost a whisper.
He leaned in and kissed me, it took me by surprise each time. "EW!" Someone said behind us. Tyde and I let go of eachother and looked at the voice the yell had came from.
"Connor!" Tyde said trying to catch his breath.
Connor laughed and walked over to the both of us, "I'm sorry guys but I had to. You're too cute!"
"Connor, was that you?" Troye asked running over to us.
Connor nodded, "Yeah, sorry but I just caught these two sucking face."
"We weren't 'sucking face'" I said to him with a smirk.
"Aw, my baby brothers got a girlfriend! Treat him good." Troye warned me.
"Troye..." Tyde mumbled.
Troye laughed, "Alright, we'll leave you two alone." He closed the door and Tyde and I just stood there.
"Sorry about them, they get really nosey." Tyde giggled.
"No it's okay, I don't mind."


Tyde and I were downstairs by the pool enjoying the party. I didn't really know anyone because it was mostly family that came over and some close friends. "What time is it?" I asked him over the loud music.
He checked his phone, "Eleven, ball drops an an hour! Come on let's go inside!" He took my hand and we both ran inside towards the kitchen. He let go of me and grabbed a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator. Then opened the cupboard and took out two wine glasses. "What are you doing?" I asked him.
He handed me a cup and then both of us went back outside. Tyde popped open the bottle of champagne and poured me a glass. "New Years is the only time I'm allowed to drink alcohol." Tyde said.
"Really?" I asked with a smile.
He shook his head, "No I could get in serious trouble for this. But whatever, cheers to a happy twenty sixteen."
I raised my glass and he tapped his with mine to make a little "clink" noise. I sipped my first alcoholic beverage. The bubbles in my mouth began to fizz in a good way. It was delicious so I served myself another glass.
In about half an hour, Tyde and I had finished the whole bottle. I was feeling a little bit hazey but I didn't mind it. Everyone outside was yelling that the ball was going to drop soon. "Come on, let's go count down!" I slurred as I took Tyde's hand.
I led him towards the television in the living area where the other half of people were. I almost tripped on my way because of my heels, but I managed to guide him there without breaking a bone.
"" Everyone began to chant.
"Oh my god! Five...four..." I yelled. I faced Tyde and the both of us counted down the last three seconds together.
"! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone around us yelled. Poppers were being popped, as well as bottles of champagne.
Tyde grabbed my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Happy new year Tyde." I whispered.
"Happy new year, Scarlett." Tyde whispered back. We both leaned in and kissed, when we parted Tyde said that we should go to his room. I agreed and the both of us snuck upstairs.
Tyde and I escaped from the loud party and snuck into his bedroom. The champagne we had both secretly consumed before leaving made us quite tipsy. The both of us stumbled up the stairs and made it to his room. I sat on the bed as Tyde closed and locked the door. He faced me and smirked as he walked over to me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and brought him in for a kiss. I then fell back and Tyde landed on top of me. The both of us laughed through the alcohol and then continued to make out. I lifted up my right leg as Tyde kissed me down my neck to my collarbone. I let out a slight moan, "Tyde." I whispered in his ear. He didn't say anything, all he did was slide the strap of my dress off my shoulder. "Tyde." I whispered again.
"What's wrong?" He whispered back.
I sat up and shook my head, "I don't want to do this. Not now, not like this." By this, I meant buzzed.
"Okay, we don't have to if you don't want to."
"I'm sorry."
He smiled and shook his head, "Its okay, I understand. But, do you still want to make out?"
I Iaughed and brought him closer to me and kissed him. Tydes lips were lush and soft, he was also gentle. He knew where and where not to touch me. He gripped onto my thigh and I tugged him by his shoulder closer to me not letting our lips farther than a centimeter apart.
I kissed his cheek slowly then laid down on my side so I was still facing him.

-Tydes POV-

Scarlett and I were no more than two inches apart. I intwined our fingers together and just stared at her. I examined her features closely and moved a stray hair out of her face. When I did this she smiled a little as she closed her eyes. She must have been tired, I was too. So the both of us just fell asleep on my bed, fully clothed, and filled with alcohol.

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