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-Brandons POV-

I was looking through Scarlett's closet for a pair is shorts I had brought. I couldn't find them anywhere, and this was the only place I haven't looked. As I scavenged the closet floor I found a backpack that seemed to be filled with clothes. I unzipped the biggest pocket of the backpack and emptied it out in my lap. I didn't find my pair of shorts, I found something else.

-Scarlett's POV-

Tyde and I had finished our meals about half an hour ago. The both of us were just sitting there talking now. "Favourite song that your brother has ever written?" I asked him.
"Well Gasoline, of course, and I think Heaven. I like the message behind both. What about you?" He tossed the conversation over to me.
"From what I've heard, it's a tie between Fools and Blue featuring Alex Hope."
"Those are great songs as well."
I smiled and heard a bell ring. It was coming from the front of the diner. I looked over Tyde's shoulder and saw two police officers standing there waiting to be attended. The officers were both women. One was tall and brunette, the other a little shorter with red hair. "Would you like to go?" Tyde asked. His voice brought me back to our conversation, but didn't make me forget about the police in the diner.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked trying to draw my full attention back to him.
"Troye is having a show here the beginning of next month, would you like to go?"
"Oh, of course I'd love to." Tyde took my hand that was rested on top of the table.
"Are you alright?"
He must've seen the nervous look on my face. I nodded, "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Aw, how cute. Are you two on a date?" A woman asked.
I looked up and saw the brunette police officer standing in front of our table. My heart raced and my grip on Tyde's hand tightened. "Yes we are." Tyde said.
"That's sweet, how long have you two been dating?"
"This is our first date."
I kept my eyes on the officer, she glanced over at me. "Hey you look familiar."
Oh no. She must have seen my face plastered all over the station. That's what they do, I've seen if before. They have the pictures of missing fugitives pinned on a board. Some of them not even from that part of the country.
"Really?" I managed to get out.
Crap, it's true. My face is pinned up on the board of the station. Now she's going to arrest me and take me back to that place. Away from my friends, family, away from Tyde. I was feeling scared and sad that everything had ended so soon, so quickly. Good bye Perth, I'm going back to Albany.
"Does your father work at the station?" She asked. "Officer Carl Welch, you're his daughter right?"
My heart amlost stopped. What? So you didn't see Jade Petersons face pinned up against the wall at the police station? You mean you're not going to arrest me?
"No, my father works at the bank." I told her.
"Oh, you just look a lot like Carl's daughter. Emma, doesn't she look like Allison?" The brunette asked the red head.
She walked over us, "Christ, she does."
"Anyway, have a good night you two. Stay out of trouble."
"Yes officer." Tyde said. The both of them walked to their table and sat down.
"Ow Scarlett, my hand."
I looked over at him, then my hand. I let go. "Sorry."
I looked at the table and tried to ease my breathing. My chest had gotten really tight and it seemed like the room was spinning.
"Scarlett are you okay?" I almost didn't hear Tyde say. It's as if everything was moving in slow motion. I felt him sit next to me. I looked up at him and just closed my eys. His arms wrapped around my body and I wrapped mine around his. I didn't want him to let me go, I didn't want to open my eyes. For once in my life I actually felt safe.
"Hey, let's take you home." I heard him whisper in my ear. I loosened my grip on him so I could look up and face him. We didn't say anything, I cupped his cheek with one of my hands and brought him closer to me, slowly. My eyes closed and our lips connected. Electricity seemed to run through my vains when I kissed him. Everything just seemed so right. After we finished our kiss he took my hand and the both of us left the diner.


The drive back to my house was short and quiet. Tyde and I didn't say anything to eachother. Well not until he parked the car in front of my house. "What happened back there? With the police."
"What do you mean?"
"You seemed really spooked, just like the time when I got pulled over. Is there a fear with you a cops?"
I shook my head, "No thats silly." I lied, "Its just that odd feeling you get in your stomach you know? Even though you haven't done anything wrong you just feel entirely guilty?"
He nodded, "Yeah. I know what you're talking about."
I half smiled and kissed his cheek, "Thank you for tonight. It was great."
"No problem. I'll see you on New Years?"
"Of course, I'll be there."
"Great, I'll see you later."
"Bye." I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car. I walked up the front steps and opened the door to my house silently. I locked the door behind me and tiptoed into my room.
"Scarlett!" Brandon whisper yelled. I jumped back as I closed the door, "Shit Brandon, stop doing that." I took my shoes off and threw my bag on my bed, along with my body.
"How was it?" Brandon asked, still standing in the corner of the room by my closet.
"It was great, we had lots of fun." I replied.
"Oh yeah."
Brandon was silent for a few moments then said, "Scarlett."
He sounded scared so I sat up, "What?"
Brandon faced me, but didn't turn his whole body. "I wasn't trying find this, but I did."
He turned around and flashed my blue, juvenile prison jumpsuit at me. My feet seemed to be glued to the floor and my stomach began to turn.
I managed to take a step forward and took it from his hands. I stared at it then looked up at Brandon who seemed like he wanted to cry. "Where did you find this?" I whispered.
"I didn't mean to find it or anything..."
"Where did you find this?" I raised my voice a little.
"In the corner of your closet, inside of a black backpack."
I crumbled the jumpsuit in my hands and sat on my bed. "Shit, I thought I threw it away." I said under my breath.
"Scarlett, where is this from? Why do you have this?"
"Why do you think?" I asked him. I threw the piece of cloth on the floor, grabbed my phone, and stood up. I walked over to Brandon and handed him my cell phone.
"Here, call them." I said, obviously reffering to the police.
Brandon took my phone and shook his head, "No."
"Why not?"
"Because, I care about you. And I'm not going to turn you in." A huge weight lifted off of my chest, "Just tell me who you really are, and why you truly have this." I took my phone from his hand and the both of us sat down on the ground.
I started at the beginning and worked my way towards the present.
"I killed my father as an act of self defense. My Mum's murder was a total accident, the gun just fired and hit her when it fell."
"Why didn't you tell them that?"
"No one's going to believe a ten year old girl. They think I deal with mental issues and the reason I killed them was because I was crazy or some shit like that."
"But you're not crazy."
"According to the officials, I am."
"How long do you plan on staying here?"
"Just as long as the police don't find me."
"What if they come here? Will you run or turn yourself in?"
"I don't know Brandon. I just have to stay hidden is all."
"Does Tyde know?"
"Of course not. No one does. Please don't tell anyone. You can't because not only will I get in trouble, you will too."
"Because you knew I was a fugitive and you didn't turn me in."
Brandon nodded, "I'll do everything I can to keep you safe."
I smiled and gave Brandon a hug. Thank God for him.

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