surprise visit.

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-Scarlett's POV-

I sat in the kitchen across from Mason as we ate dinner later that day. We were having pasta that Kate ordered from this restaurant down the street. "How was swim practice Mason?" Joshua asked him.
Mason gulped down his water, "Um, it was good. Still can't nail that perfect butterfly stroke though."
"Still? Well that just means you need to work harder if you want colleges to notice you."
"I am dad, I'm really trying here."
You could tell Joshua really wanted Mason to be a great swimmer. You could also tell that Mason wasn't as passionate about it as Joshua was. It seemed that he was doing it just to please his father.
"What about you Scarlett? How was your day?" Kate asked me.
I shrugged and looked down at my plate, "It was all right I guess. Nothing extravagant."
"You should join a sport, or maybe a club at school? Get more involved."
I glanced over at her and nodded, "I'll take it into consideration."
I wasn't actually going to. The last thing I wanted was to hang out with a bunch of rotton kids from school even more than I should.
I continued to eat my food when there was a knock on the door. We all exchanged glances and Kate got up to answer the door. "Who could that be?" Joshua asked. "Were any of you expecting anyone?"
Mason and I both shook heads, then Kate walked into the dining room. "Scarlett, there's someone her to see you."
I looked over at her and someone walked from the hallway into the dining room. "Tyde?" I said as I stood up.
He smiled and waved at me, "Hello everyone."
"Um, this is Tyde Mellet everyone. He, um, he goes to school with me."
"Hi Tyde, I'm Joshua nice to meet you." Joshua said.
"Nice to meet you too Mr. Hudson."
Kate must've told him her last name. "You know Mason right?" I asked.
Tyde nodded, "Good to see you again."
"Tyde, what are you doing here?"
"I came to see you, I haven't talked to you all day."
"Well you're welcome to have dinner with us." Kate insisted.
"No, I'm sure Tyde has to..." I began to say.
"I'd love too." Tyde interupted with a smile. I sighed and sat down in my chair as Kate served Tyde a plate of food. Tyde sat next to me and Joshua began to talk to him.
They were talking about what Tyde did other than school. Kate handed him his plate when he began talking about YouTube and that his brother got big thanks to the website. He kept saying that he loved making videos and how his older brother was his biggest inspiration. Not only to Tyde but others around the world aswell.
That was about all they were discussing. Nothing really happened. I just sat there quietly as everyone awed over the boy that came over. After about an hour Tyde said that he should be getting home.
"Thank you so much, dinner was lovly." Tyde said.
"Thank you for coming over, your welcome here anytime." Kate called.
I stood up aswell, "I'll walk you out."
Tyde and I headed towards the front door and stepped outside. The summer breeze blew through our hair as Tyde and I began walking.
"Dinner was amazing." He said to me.
I nodded, "Thanks for coming." Even though I didn't invite him, it was the polite thing to say.
"And you're family is pretty cool aswell." I nodded, "But they're not really you're parents...are they?"
I stopped in my tracks and looked up at him. I sighed then shook my head, "No, they're not my blood parents."
"Scarlett is this what you were hiding from me? Is this what you didn't want me to find out?"
I shook my head again, "No, no. It's much more complicated than that."
"Then what is it?"
"I can't tell you. At least not now."
We were silent for a few moments then Tyde spoke up, "You know I didn't come here for the food or to chit chat with your parents right?"
"Then what did you come here for?"
He came closer to me. He was way taller than I was, "I came to make sure you were okay."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You ignored me all day today. I tried calling you but it went straight to voice mail. Why were you avoiding me?"
"Because Tyde, I don't want you getting close to me."
"Why not?"
"I already told you."
He drew closer, "Then tell me again."
I took a step back, "I'm keeping my distance because I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt. The farther you are from the flame the less of a chance you have getting burned. Drive safe Tyde."
I walked back to the house and went straight to my room. I laid-back in my bed and sighed. What am I getting myself into?

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