torn apart.

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-Scarlett's POV-

I walked home from Tyde's house that night. I've been at home for two hours just thinking. I sat in my bed cross legged just staring at my phone. My screen was showing Tydes contact, I was thinking about calling him. I just wanted to apologize to him for how I acted and explain why I did so. Though I wanted to call him I couldn't bring myself up to do it. It seemed impossible. Finally I pressed the green call button and the phone began to ring.
"Hi, Tyde?"
"Tyde? No this is Tanya." She giggled.
"T-Tanya? Where's Tyde?"
"Oh he's asleep, he called me over once you left his house."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah, said that he needed some help cheering up. Then one thing led to another and well, you know how sex works."
My heart stopped. "Oh, okay. Can you tell him I called?"
"I'm so sorry, but Tyde said it was over. I think it's best that you guys don't speak anymore. You know for Tyde's sake. Bye!" She hung up on me.
I looked at the phone in my hand, I didn't know what to do at first. I was angry and sad and confused at the same time. I threw my phone across the room and began to cry.
I grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly. Everything just came out and I was a mess. I was surprised that my loud sobs didn't wake anyone up. This was the worse feeling in the world. I hated it. It felt like someone ripped my heart out, shot an arrow through it, and set it on fire. My salty tears ran down my cheeks the more and more I cried.
I hated him. I hated Tanya. I hated my life. I hated everything that ever fucking happened between me and that jack ass!


I got to school looking like a mess. I was crying on the drive here because I didn't even want to come today. The last thing I wanted to do was face him in the hallways. I got to my locker and took out the book I needed for my first two periods. A tear ran down my cheek when I looked at my locker. There was a picture of Tyde and I taped to the door that I saw every time I opened it. I just stared at it and wanted to collapse on the ground. I took the picture out of my locker and put it in my backpack so I wouldn't see it anymore today.
"Hey." Someone said as the grabbed my waist. I flinched and turned to face the person. Tyde was standing over me with a smile. "Were you crying? What's wrong baby?" He tried to wipe my tear away but I slapped his hand away.
"Scarlett, what's wrong?" A laugh came from his three friends standing behind him.
I looked up at Tyde, "Everything." I whispered.
"Come here." He leaned in for a hug but stepped back.
"Don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't come near me. It's over remember?" I slammed my locker and pushed Tyde away from me.
"Hey wait." He grabbed my wrist.
"Let go!" I yelled.
"No, not until you tell me what's going on." His grasp got tighter and he pulled me closer to him.The tears came rushing down my face again.
"I trusted you." I said through my tears, "I can't believe I actually..." I stopped.
"Actually what Scarlett?"
I sniffled, "Actually thought you were the one. But you know what you're right. You can't fucking trust anyone."
I pulled my hand away from him and walked away. A tear drop fell with every step I took. I was a wreck, and I hated it.

-Tyde's POV-

Tanya, Julia, and Luke all died of laughter when Scarlett walked away. "What the hell is going on guys?" I asked.
"What? That isn't funny to you? She's obviously crazy, Ty." Julia said.
"Yeah, probably just her period. She'll be over it in a few days." Luke added.
Tanya walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulder. "Stop stressing about your freak of a girlfriend and move on with your life." The bell rang and we all walked to our first period class.


Scarlett has been avoiding me all day. She wouldn't take a glance at me in the hallway and she turned the other way when she saw me coming. I was sitting in science now. Our benches were right next to eachother. I stood up and sat down where Brandon would be sitting.
"Hey, I know you don't want to talk to me. But I just want you to know that I love you, okay?"
"Bullshit." She said as she grabbed her things and walked out of the classroom. Mrs. Sterling was going to stop her but the bell had rang for lunch.

-Scarlett's POV-

I put my books away and stood in the lunch line to grab something to eat. Tyde wasn't making anything better he was making shit worse. Part of me was mad at him, the other part thought that this was a lie. I didn't know of this was true or not because Tyde didn't tell me anything. Then again I didn't ask.
After I paid for my lunch I walked outside to find a place to sit. I stood in the middle of the courtyard and looked around. Soon something caught my eye. I saw Tyde sitting with his friends, he looked like he didn't care about me anymore. Then I saw Tanya lean in and kiss Tyde on the lips. Everything around me went mute. I dropped my food on the floor and stood there in awe. No, no this can't be happening. This isn't real this isn't real.
People were staring at me and I ran out of the courtyard and outside of school. I couldn't be here anymore, it was too much to deal with. I ran home and tears were rushing down my cheeks. They wouldn't stop, I was heartbroken.
Once I got home I threw my things on the floor, ran into my room, and collapsed onto my bed. "Its not fair!" I yelled to myself. "He lied to me! He never loved me!" I sobbed."It was all just a joke! A fucking joke." I whispered. I sat there on the ground with my face stuffed in a pillow to lower the volume of my crying.
Then that's when I remembered the picture. I sat up slowly and pulled my backpack towards me. I opened the smallest zipper I had and took out the picture of Tyde and I together. Connor had taken it. It was the say out the family cook out. The day we first kissed.
I wanted to be happy when I saw that picture, but instead I was mad. "LIER!" I screamed and ripped the picture to shreds. I threw the pieces all over the room and sobbed. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head on the top of them.
Tears were still running down my face but I didn't full on cry. I was upset with not just Tyde but the whole world. Everything was going to shit and I fucking hated it. I wanted to be left alone for months and just die off of starvation or some shit like that. I didn't care anymore. Why should I?

-Tyde's POV-

I pushed Tanya away from me when she kissed me. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked her.
"Trying to make you feel better." She said.
"Fuck off! I have a girlfriend."
"Had a girlfriend." Julia said.
"What are you talking about?"
"She called you yesterday when we came over. You were in your bathroom and I picked up the phone." Tanya explained.
"What did you say?"
"I told her something along the lines of its over and we hooked up."
"What the hell? Really!?" I yelled. "She's mad at me, because she thinks we had sex! You lied to her Tanya, again."
"Don't fucking play innocent. She told me what you said about our break up."
"Okay that's was a lie, so what?"
"What did she ever do to you? Any of you?"
"She's a freak Tyde." Luke said.
"Yeah, I don't get a good vibe from her." Julia added.
"She's not a freak. She's the sweetest person I've ever met in my life."
"She's going to hurt you." Tanya said.
"So what? She can't hurt me as much as you guys have. Screw you all, I'm leaving."

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