one dance.

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-Tyde's POV-

It was finally the night of the dance. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed the collar of my shirt. I added a little bit of gel in my hair and combed it so it could stay down. "Tyde." My mum called as she opened my bedroom door. I turned to face her. She gasped, "You look so handsome...and grown-up."
I looked down at my outfit, "Thank you."
"My boy is growing up so fast." I laughed as she walked up to me and wrapped me in her arms. My mum placed a kiss on my cheek and kept her hands on my shoulder.
"Scarlett is one lucky girl."
I shook my head, "No mum, I'm the lucky one."
"You love her don't you?"
"With all my heart."
My mum smiled and hugged me once more, "Now go, or you're going to be late."
I ran downstairs and grabbed the car keys. When I pulled up to Scarletts house my heart began to beat quickly. I took a deep breath and rand the doorbell. The door unlocked and Scarlett foster mum was standing in the door way. "Aw Tyde, you look so handsome."
"Thank you so much Mrs. Hudson. I'm here to pick up Scarlett."
"Yes come on in." I walked inside and closed the door behind my back. "Scarlett, Tyde's here! She'll be out in a minute." I nodded.
"Tyde." Scarlett's foster father said as he approched me.
"Mr. Hudson. It's great to see you again." I said as I shook his hand.
"Same here, you look great by the way."
"Thank you sir."
"Hey Tyde." Mason said.
I waved, "You aren't going?"
Mason shook his head, "Not my thing."
"What is taking that girl so long? Scarlett!" Mrs. Hudson called again.
The sound of a door opening came from the hallway. I turned and waited for here. Suddenly I saw a sight of blue emerge from the shadows of the hallway. Scarlett stepped out of the dark and into the light. She was glowing, her dress complimented her skin tone nicely and fit her body perfectly. Her hair was done as well as her make up. "Wow." I said under my breath. Scarlett flashed me a shy smile. I slowly walked up to her, "How do I look?" She asked.
I looked at her once more, "I'm speechless. You look absolutely, ravishing."
Scarlett smiled up at me, "Thank you." She whispered.
"Okay, time for a picture because you two have to go!" Mrs. Hudson grabbed a camera. Scarlett and I stood close together, I wrapped my arm tightly around her waist and smiled.
After the pictures were taken Scarlett and I went into my car and drove for the venue where the dance was beginning held.

-Scarletts POV-

Tyde pulled into a car park in front of a hotel. I'm guessing that's where the dance was going to be. My door opened and Tyde stood there with his hand held out. With one hand I reached for him and the other I grabbed my dress. The both of us walked into the venue of the dance.
Music was booming and people were everywhere, dancing. There was a table full of food, deserts, and drinks and tables set up around t he room for us to sit. "This is incredible." I said walking into the room. I spun around to take in all the glory or the night. Fairy lights were dangling from the ceiling as well as black and white lanterns.
I faced Tyde and took his hand, I dragged him over to the food table so we could eat before we did any dancing. "All of this food looks delicious." I said to Tyde, still holding his hand. The both of us grabbed plates and served ourselves food.

-Tanyas POV-

Julia, Luke, and I all sat in the corner of the room at out own little table. We all eyed Tyde and his freak of a date. "I can't believe she didn't buy thay story." Luke said.
"She bought it, Tyde just told her the truth." Julia added, "If it wasn't for him, they would be broken up by now."
"Oh they'll be over after tonight, thanks to our friend Brandon." I giggled.

-Tydes POV-

After Scarlett and I ate the food we got, the both of us headed to the dance floor. An up beat song was playing so pretty much everyone was dancing. I began to move my feet to the beat of the music, Scarlett looked at me confused.
"What?" I asked.
She shrugged, "I don't know how to dance."
I laughed, "You just move your feet along to the rythum and let your body to the rest."
Scarlett nodded and did what I told her, "See you're doing it!" I yelled over the music. She laughed, put her hands in the hair, and sang along to the song that was playing as she danced along with me. Her smile glistened in the light of the ball room along with the glitter on her dress. I took her hand and spun her around, the bottom of her dress twirled with her. I heard her giggle over the music, I pulled her in close and placed a kiss on her cheek. Scarlett smiled and looked up at me, her eyes sparkled when she did.
"Tyde will you excuse me? I have to use the bathroom." She said in my ear.
I nodded and let her go. I watched her walk out of the room and into the brightness of the hallway.

-Scarletts POV-

I walked into the bathroom to check my makeup and hair. Everything looked good so I washed my hands. I heard two stall doors behind me open. I looked up at the mirror and saw Julia and Tanya standing there. "Hello Scarlett." Tanya hissed at me through the mirror.
I reached for a towel and dried my hands, "Tanya, Julia." I replied as I turned to face them.
"How's the dance going? Saw you here with your boyfriend." Julia added.
"Its been great. We're having lots of fun."
Tanya chuckled, "For now. Just wait until Tyde finds out who you really are."
My heart began to race, "What do you mean."
"We mean, we know everything Jade Peterson." Julia spat. The sound of my old name sent shivers down my spine.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't play dumb. We know about the murders, juvie, and the eacape." Tanya said.
"Who told you." My voice trembled.
"The only person you ever told."
"Brandon?" I said under my breath, "No, he would never do that."
"True, but we threatened him. Did you know he had a thing with Mr. Smith last year?"
My heart beat rose, "What do you want from me?"
"We want you to tell Tyde before the clock strikes ten. If you tell him, we'll let this go."
"If I don't?"
"We'll call the police. You have half an hour." Julia said. After that they both left the bathroom.
When they were gone I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror again. Slowly I was beginning to see the girl I saw when I first got to Perth. Suddenly my mind began to fill with thoughts and predictions about how all of this could go down. If I told Tyde I wouldn't be arrested, but Tyde and I would have to break up because I lied to him for so long. If I didn't tell Tyde I'd be taken back to jail and I would break Tyde's heart.
The thought of both scenarios tore my heart in half. I wanted to cry but I kept myself together and walked out of the restroom.

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