into you?

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-Tyde's POV-

The weekend flew by, as always, and I was now walking down the hallways of school. I opened my locker and a pile of books fell out. I groaned as I bent down to pick them up.
"Need help?" Some one asked.
I looked up and saw Scarlett standing there, "Please."
She bent down to help me pick up my books. When all was clean we both stood up.
"Thank you."
"No problem, can you walk me to my locker?" she asked.
I nodded, "So how are you? Haven't spoken to you since Friday night."
"It's only been two days, so not much has happened. I'm quite all right, I guess."
"What are you doing for holiday by the way?"
"I dont know. Nothing really."
"One more day and we're out on holiday."
"Yeah but then we come back in January to finish off the school year."
"True." We made it to her locker, "So you're not doing anything?"
She looked over at me, "I don't think so, why?"
"My family and I are doing a beach trip and having a party on New years. I was wondering if you'd like to come."
"Um...yeah. I'll think about it." The bell rang, "I'll see you later Tyde." She closed her locker and walked to her next class.
I smiled as I saw her walk away, I'm getting closer.

-Scarlett's POV-

I walked into science class and sat down next to Brandon. "Hey how was your weekend?" He asked me.
I hadn't talked to him since Friday so I didn't tell him what happened that night.
"Boring, except Friday night was amazing." I said.
He looked over at me, "What happened."
I told him about the night on the beach. How unreal it was and how I felt happy. "Sounds like fun."
I nodded, "It was. He invited me to spend New Years with him and his family."
"Are you go..."
"No." I interupted.
"What? Why not?"
"Because Brandon. Even though Friday night was so much fun it can't happen again."
"Why? Scarlett he's into you, and you're into him! Just admit it."
"I'm not into him,  and he isn't into me."
"I'm he didn't like you then why did he invite you to spend holiday with him?"
"Because we're friends." That's was the first time I've ever admitted that. That Tyde and I were friends. I've always referred to him as some guy I went to school with.
"Alright fine. But if you guys start to date I'll be here to yell out I told you so!"
"Told her what?" Someone said behind me. I turned around. Shit I forgot Tyde was in this class.
"Told me that it would be a good idea to spend New Years with your family." I stuttered.
"Really? Great." Tyde said.
I nodded, "Mhmm." Tyde walked away and I let out a sigh. "Damn it why did I say that?"
"Because you like him." Brandon sing songed.
I just rested my head on my desk and listen to Brandon talk.
What if I did like Tyde. What if he liked me? I didn't know what I was feeling. I didn't even want to feel this way. I've never had a crush on anyone, I've never kissed anyone, I've never been in a relationship with anyone. The whole ordeal was confusing to me because I've never felt this way before.
If Tyde and I were to start dating, or if I did fall for him, I couldn't. I'd ruin the whole thing. I know that you're supposed to tell eachother things in a relationship but there are things I can't share. Plus Tyde wouldn't be dating the real me he'd just be dating the me I've created. He'd never like Jade, he'd be scared of her. Scarlett was the person that he had fallen for. The person he knew.
My chest began to tighten and I got shortness of breath. The thoughts kept rolling around in my mind that it made me anxious. It wasn't until Tyde put his hand on my shoulder where I snapped out of my imagination. I looked up and him, "Are you okay?" He asked me.
I faced him, glanced at Brandon, then faced Tyde again. "I'm fine."

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