Chapter 7 (Revised!)

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"Brook..." Hopestar mewed, narrowing her eyes. "Bluetail is... Your sister?"

Brook gave a nod. "Yeah. Bluetail and Raintail are my sisters. But, they did have names before joining a clan- their names were Blue and Rain. They both left FireClan when they were young, and I guess SunClan is where they ended up. However, I didn't go with them, as Red, my father... His deputy died, and I became his new deputy. That was all those moons ago..."

"How can I believe that? You have a Twoleg's cat collar, for StarClan's sake!"

Brook sighed, lowering her blue-gray head slowly.

"If I tell you everything, will you trust me?"

Hopestar shrugged, ignoring the sounds of cats around her, focusing her gaze to Brook.

"A long, long time ago, when Red was in MistClan, he was known as Redheart."

Hopestar stiffened and swallowed. She remembered that name, but vaguely.

"I was an apprentice with Bluetail and Raintail. We were Brookpaw, Rainpaw, and Bluepaw. We were sisters, but only closer. After our mother, Windflight, died, Redheart accused you of murdering Windflight! But Windflight died because she was killed by Foxheart. I didn't know that until after I accepted his offer of love. So you exiled Redheart and appointed Harefur as deputy. So you appointed us as warriors, Brookfur, Raintail, and Bluetail, when we snuck out of camp at moonhigh. We returned to Redheart and appointed us as Brook, Rain, and Blue. He renamed himself Red, leader of FireClan. Bluetail and Raintail both coudn't take their father's orders after they turned 23 moons old, so they ran off to SunClan. Hopestar, please let me back into the clan... I can't take my father's orders either..."

"You can get back in... Brookfur." Hopestar purred. "But first that collar must be removed. Then you can join as a queen." Hopestar continued. "Thank you... I think I know someone who can get rid of this thing. Foxheart!" Brook meowed.

"What is it? Oh, it's YOU, Brook. What could YOU possibly want?" Foxheart hissed. "I want this collar off me. And my name is Brookfur. Show this collar what for!" Brookfur hissed.

"Why? Are you coming back to the clan?" Foxheart purred. "Well, you WERE my mate." Brook purred.

"He was?" Hopestar looked confused. "Yes. He was my mate before I left as Brookfur." Brookfur replied. Then Foxheart chewed the collar off Brookfur. "Thanks." Brookfur purred. "No prob, love." Foxheart purred. "And why did you kill my mother?"

"Windflight was your... mother?" Foxheart looked confused.

"Yes." Brookfur replied sadly. "I'm... SO sorry." Foxheart bowed his head. "It's ok. Red! Get over here!"

"What is it, Brook?" Red replied. "I can't take it anymore, I want to return to MistClan as Brookfur." Brookfur replied. "Fine! You don't want to be deputy! You can leave! But... You're the only daughter I have left in MistClan..." Red hissed. "I know. Think of life for once." Brookfur hissed.

Red sighed. "I will appoint a new deputy soon. Goodbye, Brookfur... RETREAT, FireClan! RETREAT NOW!" Red meowed and hissed.

Later the FireClan cats retreated. There were injured cats from JUST MistClan. They had the biggest clan, after all. 7 cats were injured or killed.

"Mistfur! Wake up!" Bluetail cried. "Bluetail?" Brookfur meowed.

"Brook? Is that you? Or have you come back to the clan as Brookfur?" Bluetail meowed.

"Brookfur." Brookfur purred.

"Brookfur, it's SO wonderful to see you again..." Bluetail purred. "But Mistfur's unconscious!"

"Don't worry. I will help her." Wetnose meowed. "Mistfur HAS to get better!" Sedgewhisker cried. "Please say she's alive, Wetnose." Ivypaw mewed sadly.

"Don't worry." Wetnose meowed. "She'll get better. Pinepaw! Help me take 7 injured cats to the medicine cat den."

"Yes, Wetnose." Pinepaw meowed. The two picked up Frostwing first. "Ouch! Be careful!" Frostwing hissed as her scruff was being picked up by Wetnose.

"Tell me she'll get better." Snowtail sighed. "She will," Wetnose meowed in a muffled tone. "She is your sister, after all." Pinepaw meowed, also in a muffled voice. "Thank you, if Frostwing is hurt, who are the other 6?" Snowtail meowed. Wetnose put down Frostwing.

"Darkwind, Heatherfur, Mistfur, Crowpool, Honeyheart, and Harefur." Wetnose meowed sadly. Then Larkwing arrived. "The deputy?! You mean he's hurt too?" Larkwing quietly meowed.

"Unfortunately, yes. I heard it myself." Frostwing replied quietly. "What will Applenose say?" Applenose was Harefur's mate. "What?! This is awful!" Applenose exclaimed. "Oh, poor Harefur..." She continued.

"Let's just calm down now, we'll take the cats to my den and hopefully they survive." Wetnose meowed quietly. "Agreed," Dawnfur meowed. "Even though I'm from BreezeClan, I still care..." Spottedheart meowed.

"All clans SHOULD care, mousebrain."

Teastripe hissed to Spottedheart.

"If I were still leader, I would stop this nonsense." Hollytail meowed.

"If YOU were still leader, the clan would get into chaos. You were leader before Mintstar."

Oneleaf replied.

"I know. This stuff is hard for me. I am the oldest cat in MistClan." Hollytail meowed, her voice cracked with age.

"We knew that," hissed Raintail, Bluetail's sister. "Raintail!" Brookfur cried.

"Brookfur?" Raintail meowed softly. "How did you know I was recently let back into the clan?" Brookfur replied.

"Because, I heard it." Raintail meowed. "Did you really?" Brookfur meowed. "Yeah." Raintail replied. "Ok." Brookfur purred.

In Wetnose's den, Hopestar decided to see the injured cats.

"How are they doing?" Hopestar asked.

"Mistfur and Frostwing will survive. I don't know about

Darkwind, Heatherfur, Crowpool, Honeyheart, and Harefur, though." Wetnose meowed.

"Hopestar? Is that you?" Mistfur meowed quietly.

"Yes. It is me." Hopestar replied. "Can I ask you something?" Mistfur continued. "Sure. What is it?" Hopestar meowed, her eyes clouded.

"The mentors asked you to make Greenpaw, Lionpaw, Ivypaw, and Jaypaw warriors. They're ready. I mentioned Jaypaw because I think he's ready." Mistfur meowed. And then she let out a long sigh.

"She can't be dead! Mistfur!" Hopestar meowed. "She's not," Wetnose meowed. "She just needs some rest. I called in Dovewing and Redfur, her parents, to share some news. Some interesting news I just found out today, and I would like to speak to her parents privately." Wetnose continued. Hopestar bowed her head and then left the den.

A little later Mistfur's parents came in.

"You called us, Wetnose?" Dovewing asked.

"Will she be okay?" Redfur meowed in worry.

"Yes, and Yes. I have some news. Some... news I just found out today." Wetnose meowed.

"Mistfur... she's... she's having kits." Wetnose continued with a soft purr. "WHAT?!" Dovewing and Redfur meowed at the same time. No one knew that Mistfur was having kits until now.

MistClan's path super edition: Miststar's story (REVISED IN VER. 2)Where stories live. Discover now