Epilogue (REVISED!)

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The new leader sat on the Highrock, the moon glowing against her gray and white fur and the rock itself.

Now Mistfur was known as Miststar. With pride and happiness beaming inside her like a very bright star in the sky, she looked up and closed her eyes, hoping for her nine lives to lead her long and well. But then she opened her eyes to stare out into the stars. 

"Why did BreezeClan help us in battle? StarClan give me answers..." Miststar prayed to herself.

She needed to know the answer to why they helped an enemy clan out with the attack. But then she knew as a small voice purred, "Because, we just had to. You're a nice friend, Miststar." 

They were friends. That was right.

Grief overwhelmed Miststar as she saw Rosepaw bound up to her. She saved her and her kits and Miststar was eternally grateful.

"Oh, Rosepaw! I can't believe you sacrificed your life to save me! And Kestrelkit, Squirrelkit, Flamekit, and Sandkit, my kits!" Miststar cried.

"I know, Miststar. I am so sorry. I should have just killed that badger instead of hesitating too long!" Rosepaw meowed in dismay.

Miststar's ears flattened against her head in sadness.

"Don't grieve, Rosepaw. I know you tried your best. By the way, if I hadn't killed Creamwhisker, we would have all died together. I am a fearless leader with nine lives, here to save you." Miststar meowed in a quiet tone. 

"I guess so," Rosepaw sighed. Her voice sounded monotone and she looked like she barely had any strength.

"Well, MistClan is doing well. How are Adderstar and Petalstar?" Miststar asked politely. She needed to know what happened to the other two leaders, her friends, who risked their lives and lost them in the battle as well.

Rosepaw sighed and a faint pink glow surrounded her. "They are just fine. They shouldn't have gotten into battle with the badgers that were attacking your camp. They were just insane." She grumbled.

"I know." Miststar replied. 

"I'm sure you're doing good as well, Miststar." She purred happily. "I am sorry, about that day." 

She then sighed, her expression changing quickly. "It's okay, Rosepaw. You don't have to apologize. I need to speak to Hopestar now." 

Miststar touched her nose to Rosepaw's and just then Hopestar came in as Rosepaw faded away, tears brimming her eyes. Hopestar sat on the rock with Miststar, just staring into the stars. She let out a soft and long sigh. 

Hopestar, oh, Hopestar... I miss you so much... Miststar thought. She remembered the moments with Hopestar asking StarClan for answers. A tear came to her eye but she blinked it away. No emotion. If she showed any it would become suspicious. She had to choke back the emotion, but it was difficult.

"Hopestar. I missed that time when we both sat on the Highrock for answers from StarClan. This is happening, but now I'm leader." Miststar purred, choking back her tears. 

Hopestar nodded and looked at her. "Yes, Miststar. It is a clear night. And it is at times like this you need to ask your ancestors for answers..."

"Hopestar, are you serious? And... do you think... I can lead the clan just fine?" 

"Yes, Miststar. You will make a fine leader of MistClan. I have to go now... And... Thank you for taking care of my clan." Hopestar answered. She rubbed Miststar on her cheek and left.

Miststar sighed and closed her eyes, letting her head rise to the sky and feeling the soft wind blow against her fur.

So it's come to this, She thought. My own clan to lead. Many mouths to feed. Although it is Leaf-fall, I'm sure things can't get worse. I'm just sure of it... I am Miststar, leader of MistClan! I will NOT lose! We're united forever!

Proudly, Miststar opened her eyes and hopped down from the rock, soon curling in her nest in her own den. Her own den!

Maybe it's not so bad after all, Miststar thought, as she drifted off to sleep quietly, waiting for her next adventure to happen the very next day.

The end

MistClan's path super edition: Miststar's story (REVISED IN VER. 2)Where stories live. Discover now