Chapter 18

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It started to get very, very warm. It was Greenleaf at last. Mistfur had decided something.

I think I should do something that will make all the cats happy... like a party!

she thought, and with that she planned the party. She saw Pinefur and Wetnose, looking exhausted.

Mistfur got a lot of herbs for, what? a 6 moon supply? Then she started to plan the party. Outside of camp, Mistfur and her patrol look for old junk to decorate the area. They found twigs, extra fresh-kill, rocks, and many blue feathers, and one red one, and much more, even a radio with amazing music left in it. And it still worked.

Once the camp was decorated, and laid out with enough fresh-kill and herbs, the party was ready.

"Mistfur! Did you do all this?!" Hopestar seemed shocked.

"No, Hopestar. These guys helped me."

"Well, I'm impressed," Hopestar purred.

Everyone was invited. They had a fantastic time. Dawnfur came up to Mistfur.

"Mistfur! This music is, one word- Amazing."

Just then Icywind came along.

"Well, I actually love one thing, Mistfur. You."

Mistfur blushed with delight. Then Inknose walked in.

"I don't know how you did it, but it was a good idea for a party to be thrown. I think some spirits are here too."

The party lasted from dusk until dawn. But before icemoon, the cats had to leave, due to when they have to sleep.

"Goodbye, Mistfur. I loved the party." Marshpaw mewed.

"Yes, goodbye... I'll miss you." Adderstar said sadly.

"I hope you do this again!" Inknose called.

It seems Adderstar and Inknose are Mistfur's true friends. But not just them. After the party, Mistfur was much beloved by all the cats.

"Mistfur! That was incredible! I can't believe how many cats came!" Hopestar exclaimed.

Mistfur blushed. "Yeah," she said, "I didn't know that this would be a big success!"

"Okay, Mistfur! Let's go to sleep."

"Good idea, Hopestar."

It was another great day. Cats were moving around like crazy. Today the cats decided to leave MistClan camp for a second. They go too far and they find a train, or as the cats call it, "big monster". The cats were shocked.

"Quick, let's get on this thing." Hopestar meowed. The Twoleg who managed the big monster came in and made the train move. All of the cats in MistClan were trapped!

"Oh no! How can we get off?" Firepaw meowed.

"You're right! We're trapped!" Mistfur was shocked.

"AHH! We're moving!" Frostkit yowled.

At last the big monster stopped. It was actually going to pick up Twolegs and take them back to the way MistClan came. MistClan ran into the back, where nobody sits. The big monster was moving again, but a little slower.

"You guys," Hopestar whispered, "Calm down. We will be fine if no one moves."

At last, the big monster finally stopped. Every single Twoleg got off, and MistClan's cats made a run for it.

"Kiddy!" A young Twoleg said. She picked up Frostkit. All the cats were safe but Mistfur and Frostkit.

"Frostkit! I will save you!" Or, in Twolegs' cats' language, "Meow meow meow, meow meow."

Mistfur dashed toward Frostkit. She snarled. She scratched the Twoleg.

"WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" The Twoleg cried. She held Frostkit tighter. Mistfur jumped toward the Twoleg's face, scratching it, snarling, growling, and yowling. The Twoleg dropped Frostkit. Mistfur got off the wailing Twoleg and grabbed Frostkit by the scruff of her neck.

"Frostkit, you'll be fine, I'm here." Mistfur meowed, muffled. Mistfur..? Frostkit thought. She was safe. She was.

The cats were finally back from MistClan camp. Mistfur told her story on how she saved Frostkit.

"Wow, Mistfur. You're brave." Whitefur meowed.

"Yes. I believe in you, Mistfur." Hopestar meowed. She bowed her head.

The cats were happy now. Frostkit was safe, and MistClan was safe. Could this get any better... Mistfur thought.

MistClan's path super edition: Miststar's story (REVISED IN VER. 2)Where stories live. Discover now