Chapter 15

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Mistfur quickly ran back to camp. She heard Hopestar calling her.

"Mistfur, could you come here?"

"Yes, Hopestar?"

"I need to warn you."

"About what?"

"The rogues."

"What rogues?"

Hopestar decided to explain. "Okay, here is my explanation. I've heard about rogues invading these parts. It's really important that we-" Suddenly a bunch of rogues appeared. Mistfur would assume Hopestar would lose another life. But as a rogue slashed at Hopestar, Windflight stood in the way and died. The rogues retreated after defeating no cats. 5 were defeated for a few seconds. Well, one of those were dead, then, all of a sudden... Windflight came back to life. Literally. She was, once again, resurrected.


"Yes, Mistfur?"

"How... How did you do that? Were you a leader once?"

"No. I get a special gift from StarClan called resurrection. It only works three times. It happened twice."

"So... This is the last time, Windflight?"

"Yes, Mistfur. I think you can have this gift very soon, when you're a leader, possibly. You could get twelve lives."


"Only very few cats get this gift."

"Thanks, Windflight. And goodbye."

"Is that you, Songkit?"

"Mistfur? I miss you..."

"Songkit, how did Windflight get resurrection?"

"Well, Mistfur... There's something you should know..."

Mistfur did not have the power for resurrecting. When Mistfur woke up, she was as angry as a hornet. She padded angrily to Hopestar's den. Hopestar also seemed mad.

"Hey, are you angry too, Hopestar?"



"I can't see my forehead. What's your problem?"

"I can't resurrect. Neither can you, because you already have nine lives! You can't have twelve!"

"That is crazy! I mean, why would you-"

"YEOOWLLL!" A yowl came from the nursery. It was Raintail. "Quick, follow me!" Hopestar exclaimed. Once Mistfur and Hopestar got to the nursery, there was a little white kit on the ground.

"Her name is Snowkit. Hopefully she will be a good warrior." Jaggedflight decided, and Raintail decided. Mistfur was shocked. They were... mated.

It was about icemoon. There was going to be a secret gathering but Hopestar held it off. Hopestar was sleeping. She saw a reddish-orange tabby cat and a golden striped cat sit in the stars and the clouds.

"Chestnutstar... Frostflower..." Hopestar stared in disbelief. Those were her parents out there! Chestnutstar was the leader of MistClan before even Harefur was born, and after.

"Hello, Hopestorm. I hope it's okay that I can call you that, even if you are Hopestar now." Frostflower purred. "I'm sure Hopestar still likes any name. I'm sure we can call her what we want, Frostflower." Chestnutstar meowed.

"Mother... Father... I miss you." Hopestar meowed. "Please listen to what your father has to say. It's very important." "I will, Mother."

"Look to the mist to find your destiny..." Chestnutstar spoke. "What is that... Some sort of new prophecy..?" Hopestar meowed. She didn't understand a thing about this. She was sure it had something, just something to do with Mistfur. Hopestar's mom and dad started to vanish.

"Wait!" Hopestar called. But it was too late. Chestnutstar and Frostflower had vanished. There was one thing to do now. Lead the clan with her final two lives.

MistClan's path super edition: Miststar's story (REVISED IN VER. 2)Where stories live. Discover now