Chapter 12

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While the cats were on patrols, Wetnose and Pinepaw were doing many things. "Ack! The kits! They're coming!" Raintail, a new queen yowled. "Quick!" Wetnose hissed. She and Pinepaw darted out of the medicine cat's den. Brookfur's kits were coming.

"There are five coming." Pinepaw figured. "He's right. Brookfur, you'll need to help by pushing." Wetnose meowed. "StarClan save me from bad things... Is it time now?!" Brookfur gasped. "No. You're doing fine..." Wetnose encouraged. Wow! I'm about to experience live birth. Kinda gross though... Pinepaw thought.

"Now?" Brookfur asked. "Almost." Pinepaw purred. "Now!" Brookfur hissed. A spasm silenced her. Pinepaw put his paw on Brookfur's stomach. He felt the queen tense and tremble as she pushed with all her might.

"One's coming. I can see its head." Wetnose purred. The kit slipped out. Pinepaw tore the membrane off with his teeth. It felt slimy. "This one's a female. Black and white, like Nightpool." Pinepaw reported.

"Good job, Brookfur. I can see the second kit. And Raintail, can you lick the kits Brookfur delivers?" Wetnose asked. "Yes," Raintail purred. The second kit fell out. The third one came out quickly, covered in a lot of bloody membrane. "She's losing a little blood," Wetnose concluded. Then Pinepaw bit off the membrane.

"The second one's a male. Red and cream. The third one is a fire colored female." Pinepaw reported. Then the fourth one was struggled to get out. Brookfur pushed hard. She was breathing hard. "Brookfur. Please do that again. I'll help get it out." The fourth kit was pulled out. "This one's a male. Gray with dark brown stripes."

"The fifth kit! I need to get it out." Brookfur exclaimed. Brookfur struggled. A kit plopped out. "That's the last one." Wetnose meowed. But then a surprise happened. When the membrane was broken, the cord connected to two bodies. "They're both females." Then Pinepaw got the cords and stuff out. There was a black one and a white one.

"So there's six..." Brookfur moaned. "Yes." Wetnose replied.

"What happened???" Foxheart exclaimed. "You have four daughters... And two sons... I need you to name three, I can name one, my sister Raintail can name one, and my helpers, Wetnose and Pinepaw, can name one." Brookfur meowed, sounding very tired.

"This one looks like Nightpool. I have an idea. We can name her... Nightkit. This is good, huh? This cream one can be called Toadkit, and this fire colored female can be Firekit." Foxheart purred.

"Sounds great. This one's mewling already. How about this white one can be Songkit!" Brookfur mewed with delight. "How about for the black one, Marshkit." Raintail purred.

"We have a great idea for a name. This gray stripy one can be Stripekit." Wetnose meowed. "We came up with it." Pinepaw purred.

"Nightkit, Toadkit, Firekit, Songkit, Marshkit, and Stripekit... Welcome to MistClan, my precious children." Brookfur purred.

Later, the cats were walking to GrassClan's new camp.

"How long do we have to walk, Mistfur? My paws ache!" Bluetail yowled. "I know, Bluetail. GrassClan will be there before you know it." Mistfur purred.

"Will this take forever?" Scratchpaw hissed. "No." Scratchpaw's new mentor, Reedclaw, hissed.

A little later GrassClan's new camp was found.

"Does this look like a good place?" Mistfur asked. Petalstar gasped, her eyes big and round. Her eyes twinkled with delight. "M-Mistfur... It's... It's... PERFECT!" Petalstar gasped.

"Welcome, Petalstar, to the new GrassClan." mewed Whitekit. Mistfur's ears twitched at the sound of beautiful mews. "As soon as we get to other camps, we'll be done," she said.

"But do Raintail and I have to return to SunClan?" Bluetail yowled. "No, if you want to return your loyalty to MistClan, then so be it." Adderstar sighed. "Do you really mean it, Adderstar?" Mistfur asked. "They would miss you very, very much."

"Yes, I'm sure, Mistfur. We have Tanpaw now." Adderstar declared. "I can't wait to see our new camp!" Tanpaw mewed exitedly. So the cats, SunClan and BreezeClan, headed to a new camp for SunClan. There was a beautiful landscape, enough for many cats. There were dens, too. Just like GrassClan. BreezeClan's area sould have dens, too. Otherwise they wouldn't even live there a single hour. "Oh my goodness... I love it, Mistfur! It's so serene... So... perfect and clever! No wonder there's a lake in there... Huh..." Adderstar meowed with delight. The SunClan cats said goodbye to BreezeClan and MistClan's leading patrol.

"Goodbye, Mistfur." Adderstar sighed. Adderstar was a really good friend to Mistfur. It's so hard saying goodbye to a friend... Especially, forever. "Come on, let's find a place for BreezeClan." Dovewing ordered. The three, Mistfur, Bluetail, and Dovewing, took BreezeClan to a new area. They all loved it. Now the three cats must return home.

MistClan's path super edition: Miststar's story (REVISED IN VER. 2)Where stories live. Discover now