Died For Me

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Alaria's POV

I ran to their side, sobs wracking my body. I sat on my knees, sitting their head on my lap. "H-Haruhi...?" I whimpered. Her breaths were slow and ragged, her face paling. Her shirt had a large, bloodied hole in it, right over her heart. Before she could even blink, her body went limp.

Tamaki fell to his knees, unable to stand. I rocked back and forth, fighting the beast within me. But I proved unsuccessful. Another, greater sob hit me like a tidal wave. I let out a pained groan, but it was more of a shout. I hugged her dead body to my own, continuing to rock.

Beside me, Hikaru fell to the ground, hitting his head on the cement. But I barely heard, barely saw. Just as he did, a group of paramedics rushed to the scene and picked him up. He was unconscious, but I wasn't paying attention to that right now. All I could see was Haruhi, limp, pale, and dead in my arms. The blood from her wound was covering my arms, but I didn't care.

A paramedic approached me cautiously, seeing me in the state I was. He mumbled something, touched my shoulder, but I made no response to him, just continued to rock. "Why!" I screamed, as if the world would whisper an answer. Mori's head fell, and Kaoru stumbled to the ground.

Mori held me still as the paramedic took Haruhi's body, but I fought and struggled. This wasn't true! It couldn't be! She was teaching Tamaki how to play tag! She's alive! Mori released me as soon as the paramedic shut the doors to the ambulance, shutting Haruhi in the back with them. I tripped, falling to my knees, and sobbed.

I was kneeling in the puddle of blood, her blood. I didn't even realize it until I brought my hands up from the ground to see them covered in the dark, thick liquid. I put my hands over my face, not caring that there was now blood all over my pale features. I needed her back! I needed her now!

I was hysterical, I knew. I was insane, I knew. But there was nothing that would change that.

A scream echoed against the trees. Again, it was my own. Everything began to fade away as Kyoya enveloped me into his arms, carrying me away. The world was no longer white with snow, it was purple and black; purple because Kyoya, and black because of me.


The entire environment was white. Just white. No other color. I took a step forward, and the ground rippled like water would when something touched it. As the ripples went across the surface of the ground, the moment when the bullet was shot from the woman's gun started. It was in my point of view, again.

I watched as my helpless self stumbled to Haruhi's dead form. It was like a video; an awful, horrifying video. I let out a scream so loud, it scraped my own throat.


My shoulders were being shaken. The image of the woman pointing her gun at me blinked in my mind, and I immediately fought back. There was no way she would kill me now, awake.

"Alaria! Please, it's me, Kyoya!" His voice opened my eyes. I shrank against the covers, whimpering and crying. My throat was sore, I must have been screaming. As if to answer my own question, Kyoya said, "You were screaming... I thought..." A sigh left his parted lips. Kyoya collected me in his arms, and, soon, I heard the bedroom door open. But I didn't get to see who it was.

I cried against his shirt until I felt the bed shrink under someone's weight. I jumped and backed away to see who it was.

Tamaki sat next to Kyoya, shirtless, with gray sweat pants on. His hair was barely ruffled; he obviously didn't get any sleep. He had tears in his now dull, purple eyes. I sat on my knees and wrapped my arms around his chest, hugging him from behind. I felt his hands on my forearms and a tear on my hand. "I'm sorry you're having nightmares, Lari." He used my nickname, trying to comfort me. I nodded against his shoulder, sniffing.

I looked up from him, releasing him, and turned to look at the open door. The entire Host Club was in the door, shirtless.

The entire Host Club... Except Haruhi.

They all sat down on the edges of the bed as tears sprang to my eyes, rolling down my cheeks before I could blink them away.

Normally, having six shirtless males sitting on my bed would have me blushing, but this was different. And I wasn't truly interested in anything anymore.

Someone wrapped their arms around my shoulders. I looked over my shoulder through my blurry vision and saw that the person was Mori. I sniffed once again and turned so I could hug him back. "I hope it's not too weird having guys in the same house as you, Lari. I just thought it'd be... Easier... For all of us." Kyoya murmured. He still cared so much. I shook my head and backed into the head board of the bed. "I-I don't mind at all..." I whispered, wiping away the forever-persistant tears on my face. "Where is Ha-" A sob ran through me and Mori imediately wrapped his arms around me; I couldn't even say her name! "Where is her Dad?" I asked. Mori's grip on me loosened, but I crept closer to him, pressing against his chest, telling him I didn't want him to let me go.

The room got quiet. I turned around, sitting on the bed with my legs crossed. Mori, who was originally standing, sat down behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "He's in the hospital." My eyes widened. "He went into shock when the police told him Har-" Tamaki shook his head, fighting tears. "She took a bullet..." I nodded, not wanting to ask anymore questions about her.

As I scanned the room once again, I noticed there were only four guys, not six. "Where's Kaoru? And Hikaru?" I questioned. Tamaki nodded. "Don't take this the wrong way... They just thought that you looked... Too much like... Her... Hikaru couldn't be around you... And Kaoru can't abandon Hikaru." I nodded in understanding. "I understand... And I can cope with not going around... Her father for a while." There would be no doubt that my appearance would bring temporary anger, but permanant depression to what he lost.

I shook my head. "Why did she take that damn bullet for me?" I wanted to scream, but I kept silent.

As the silence got uncomfortable, the boys began to leave. But I kept Mori with me. "I'm sorry..." I blushed. "I just can't... I can't sleep... Alone..." I looked down at the covers, my blush speaking how embarressed I was, and my tears speaking how upset I was. Mori only nodded. "I understand." He said, holding me in his arms.

I barely recovered from my mother's committing suicide. But would I be able to recover from this?

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